[笔记] Google(英文)技术写作课(2020)

本文是阅读 Google Technical Writing Courses 时所做的笔记。





课程 1

课程 2

课程 1

1 Intro

目标:编写最清晰的技术文档(how to write clearer technical documentation)。

2 语法

3 单词(Words)

  • 既有术语:给出最佳解释,例如 Wikipedia 词条链接
  • 新术语:给出定义

下面的例子中,一会用 Protocol Buffers,一会又用 protobufs(未定义过的名词):

Protocol Buffers provide their own definition language. Blah, blah, blah. And that’s why protobufs have won so many county fairs.


Protocol Buffers (or protobufs for short) provide their own definition language. Blah, blah, blah. And that’s why protobufs have won so many county fairs.

3.3 适当使用缩写,使段落更简洁

This document is for engineers who are new to the Telekinetic Tactile Network (TTN) or need to understand how to order TTN replacement parts through finger motions.

3.4 在容易引起歧义的地方,不要使用代词(it/they/this/that 等等)


下面的句子中,It 指 Python 还是 C++?

Python is interpreted, while C++ is compiled. It has an almost cult-like following.

下面的句子中,This 指什么?

You may use either Frambus or Foo to calculate derivatives. This is not optimal.


  1. 直接使用相应的名词,不要用代词
  2. 在代词后面加上相应的名词

Overlapping functionality is not optimal.

This overlapping functionality is not optimal.

4 主动时态(Active voice)

  • 主动时态:The cat sat on the mat.
  • 被动时态:The mat was sat on by the cat.


4.2 更复杂的例子


4.3 优先使用主动时态


5.1 使用辨识度高的动词(strong verbs)


但很多技术作者的动词词汇太贫乏,翻来覆去就那么几个最普通的、已经被用烂的动词。 花点时间来找几个准确且更有亮点的动词,效果会大不一样。

  • choose precise, strong, specific verbs
  • reduce imprecise, weak, or generic verbs
Weak Verb Strong Verb
The error occurs when clicking the Submit button. Clicking the Submit button triggers the error.
This error message happens when… The system generates this error message when…
We are very careful to ensure… We carefully ensure

5.2 减少使用 there is/are


There is a variable called met_trick that stores the current accuracy.

  • 改进方式一:A variable named met_trick stores the current accuracy.
  • 改进方式二:The met_trick variable stores the current accuracy.


There are two disturbing facts about Perl you should know.

改进:You should know two disturbing facts about Perl.


There is no guarantee that the updates will be received in sequential order.

改进:Clients might not receive the updates in sequential order.

5.2 避免主观形容词或副词,尽量量化

Setting this flag makes the application run screamingly fast.

改进:Setting this flag makes the application run 225-250% faster.

6 Short sentences


The late 1950s was a key era for programming languages because IBM introduced Fortran in 1957 and John McCarthy introduced Lisp the following year, which gave programmers both an iterative way of solving problems and a recursive way.


The late 1950s was a key era for programming languages. IBM introduced Fortran in 1957. John McCarthy invented Lisp the following year. Consequently, by the late 1950s, programmers could solve problems iteratively or recursively.

6.2 将长句子转换成列表(list)

To alter the usual flow of a loop, you may use either a break statement (which hops you out of the current loop) or a continue statement (which skips past the remainder of the current iteration of the current loop).


To alter the usual flow of a loop, call one of the following statements:

  • break, which hops you out of the current loop.
  • continue, which skips past the remainder of the current iteration of the current loop.

6.3 精简句子,避免重复性的单词

An input value greater than 100 causes the triggering of logging.

改进:An input value greater than 100 triggers logging.

This design document provides a detailed description of Project Frambus.

改进:This design document details Project Frambus.

6.4 精简从句

6.5 that 和 which 的使用区分

that 和 which 从句分别何时使用,有一个经验法则:

  • which 从句去掉后不影响主句的意思
  • that 去掉后主句的意思不完整

Python is an interpreted language, which means the processor runs the program directly.

FORTRAN is perfect for mathematical calculations that don’t involve linear algebra.

或者:尝试读句子,如果发现读到从句时需要停顿,那适合使用 which;否则使用 that。

7 Lists and tables

  • bulleted lists(圆点列表,无序)
  • numbered lists(数字列表,有序)



Bash provides the following string manipulation mechanisms:

  • deleting a substring from the start of a string
  • reading an entire file into one string variable


Take the following steps to reconfigure the server:

  1. Stop the server.
  2. Edit the configuration file.
  3. Restart the server.


The llamacatcher API enables callers to create and query llamas, analyze alpacas, delete vicugnas, and track dromedaries.


The llamacatcher API enables callers to do the following:

  • Create and query llamas.
  • Analyze alpacas.
  • Delete vicugnas.
  • Track dromedaries.

7.2 列表句子类型一致


7.3 有序列表:使用 imperative(命令式)动词


  1. Download the Frambus app from Google Play or iTunes.
  2. Configure the Frambus app’s settings.
  3. Start the Frambus app.

7.4 适当的标点

  • 如果列表项都是完整的句子:每个列表项的首字母大写,句末加句号
  • 否则,无需首字母大写,也不需要加句号。


7.6 一两句话介绍将给出的列表或表格

The following list identifies key performance parameters:

Take the following steps to install the Frambus package:

8 Paragraphs

每一段的第一句非常重要,应该揭示出本段的中心内容。很多人粗看文章的时候,只看每段 的第一句话。


A loop runs the same block of code multiple times. For example, suppose you wrote a block of code that detected whether an input line ended with a period. To evaluate a million input lines, create a loop that runs a million times.


A block of code is any set of contiguous code within the same function. For example, suppose you wrote a block of code that detected whether an input line ended with a period. To evaluate a million input lines, create a loop that runs a million times.

8.2 每段只表达一个主题


The Pythagorean Theorem states that the sum of the squares of both legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. The k-means clustering algorithm relies on the Pythagorean Theorem to measure distances. By contrast, the k-median clustering algorithm relies on the Manhattan Distance.


Different clustering algorithms measure distances differently.

8.3 段落不要过长或过短

8.4 Answer what, why, and how

Good paragraphs answer the following three questions:

  1. What are you trying to tell your reader?
  2. Why is it important for the reader to know this?
  3. How should the reader use this knowledge. Alternatively, how should the reader know your point to be true?

9 Audience

好文档的定义:好文档 = 读者完成某项任务所需的知识和技能 - 读者已具备的知识和技能


  • 定义读者群
  • 定义读者的学习目标
  • 为读者编写恰当的文档

9.1 定义读者群

这会决定你用什么领域的描述语言,例如他们是否知道 O(n) 是什么意思。

9.2 定义读者的学习目标

9.3 为读者编写恰当的文档

  • 词汇和概念:与读者认知匹配
  • 知识诅咒
  • 使用简单单词:不要使用古单词、小众单词、过于复杂的表达
  • 文化中立和惯用语:不要假设读者对小众背景知识有了解(例如印度板球术语)

The curse of knowledge(知识诅咒)

Experts often suffer from the curse of knowledge, which means that their expert understanding of a topic ruins their explanations to newcomers.

在专家的层面向普通开发者解释问题,结果非常失败。专家无意识地假设听众具备某些知 识,而事实上他们并不具备

10 Documents


10.1 State your document’s scope


This document describes the overall design of Project Frambus.


This document does not describe the design for the related technology, Project Froobus.

10.2 State your audience


I wrote this document for the test engineers supporting Project Frambus.

This document assumes that you understand matrix multiplication and how to brew a really good cup of tea.

You must read “Project Froobus: A New Hope” prior to reading this document.

10.3 Establish your key points up front


Always write an executive summary (a TL;DR) for long engineering documents.

长文档一定要写一个执行摘要(TL; DR);TLDR 虽短,但一定要花时间精细打 磨,否则还不如不写

10.4 目标读者与文档组织


  1. Overview of the algorithm
    1. Big O
    2. Implementation in pseudocode
  2. Sample implementation in C
    1. Tips in implementing in other languages
    2. Deeper analysis of algorithm
  3. Optimal datasets

10.5 Break your topic into sections

11 标点(Punctuation)

12 Markdown

课程 2(Technical Writing Two)

1 Intro

2 Self-editing

  • 文档都是一遍遍迭代出来的,从无到有的写出第一份草稿通常是最难的。
  • 确保留出足够的时间对文档进行迭代。

统一使用一种文档风格,推荐:Google Developer Documentation Style Guide

2.2 Think like your audience


2.3 Read it out loud


  • getting started guide 强调快速上手,可以偏口语化;
  • 开发者文档追求严谨,准确。

2.4 Come back to it later


2.5 Find a peer editor

3 Organizing large documents


  • How-to guides, introductory overviews, and conceptual guides:适合短文
  • In-depth tutorials, best practice guides, and command-line reference pages:适合长文
  • 深入理解 xxx 系列:适合长文,但分解成系列短文可能更好
  • 某些长文并不是要求读者一次读完。例如,API 文档只是在用到的适合去搜索相关内容。

3.2 Orginaze a document

Outline a document

Documents that alternate between conceptual information and practical steps can be a particularly engaging way to learn.


Consider explaining a concept and then demonstrating how the reader can apply it in either a sample project or in their own work.


Introduce a document


  • 包括哪些内容
  • 需要读者具备的背景知识
  • 不包括哪些内容


This document explains how to publish Markdown files using the Froobus system. Froobus is a publishing system that runs on a Linux server and converts Markdown files into HTML pages. This document is intended for people who are familiar with Markdown syntax. To learn about the syntax, see the Markdown reference. You also need to be comfortable running simple commands in a Linux terminal. This document doesn’t include information about installing or configuring a Froobus publishing system. For information on installing Froobus, see Getting started.



4 Illustrating


4.1 Write the caption first(起个好标题)


  • 简洁(brief):通常只有几个单词。
  • 描述核心要点(takeaway):看过这张图后,读者应该记住什么?
  • 能引起读者的注意力焦点(focus),尤其是细节太多的时候。


A single-linked list holds content and a pointer to the next node.




  • 拆分成子系统,以及相应的多张子系统图。
  • 或者先来一张总览图,再分部分介绍子系统图。

4.3 Focus the reader’s attention


4.4 Illustrating is re-illustrating


例子:伦敦地铁图的演变。去掉等比例和地理位置标记,专注地铁乘客的核心需求:从地点 A 到地点 B。

5 Creating sample code

Good samples are correct and concise code that your readers can quickly understand and easily reuse with minimal side effects.

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