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Rust 是 JavaScript 基础设施的未来

esbuild 激发了人们对于 Web 生态编译工具在速度上的追求,Rust 似乎正在成为 JavaScript 基础设施的未来。

In-Page Filtered Search With Vanilla JavaScript

If you have a page that includes a lot of information, it’s a good idea to let users search for what they might be looking for. I’m not talking about searching a database or even searching JSON data — I’m talking about literally searching text on a single rendered web page. Users can already use the built-in browser search for this, but we can augment that by offering our own search functionality that filters down the page making matching results easier to find and read.

浅析 JavaScript 沙箱


优雅地打包非 JavaScript 静态资源

本文教你在现代前端下,如何优雅地打包非 JavaScript 静态资源。

Quickly Populate a New JavaScript Array

Have you ever wanted to quickly build up some array items to build a game, provide sample data for a demo, generate code art, or just play around with an idea? If so, you may have encounter a scenario…

Writing clean JavaScript tests with the BASIC principles

Applying 5 key principles to shorten, clean, and simplify JavaScript and Node.js testing.

Creating 3D Characters in Three.js

Three.js is a JavaScript library for drawing in 3D with WebGL. It enables us to add 3D objects to a scene, and manipulate things like position and lighting. If you’re a developer used to working with the DOM and styling elements with CSS, Three.js and WebGL can seem like a whole new world, and perhaps a little intimidating! This article is for developers who are comfortable with JavaScript but relatively new to Three.js. Our goal is to walk through building something simple but effective with Three.js — a 3D animated figure — to get a handle on the basic principles, and demonstrate that a little knowledge can take you a long way!

Threats of Using Regular Expressions in JavaScript

Regular expressions or regex are widely used in web development for pattern matching and validation purposes. However, using them in practice comes with several security and performance risks that could open doors for attackers. So, in this article, I will discuss two fundamental issues you need to be aware of before using regular expressions in JavaScript.

JavaScript Debugger 原理揭秘

debugger 的实现原理是什么?ide 和 chrome devtools 如何实现调试功能的?本文带你深入探索 debugger 的奥秘。


平滑曲线生成是一个很实用的技术。 很多时候,我们都需要通过绘制一些折线,然后让计算机平滑的连接起来,或者是生成一些平滑的面。


在相当长一段时间里,JS运行时的内存问题都不被前端开发人员所关注。一方面,日常开发中基本不会遇上需要对内存精准控制的场景,另一方面,写JS不需要像写 C/C++ 那样在开发过程中随时关注内存的分配和释放问题。

随着生态的逐渐完善,JS的执行环境也不再局限于浏览器中。目前,JS主要的执行场景包括服务端(NodeJS、Deno)、桌面端(Electron)、浏览器(Chrome、Microsoft Edge)。

其中,JS执行引擎 V8 因其优异的性能表现,已经成为主流。因此,本文对JS内存管理模型的研究也将基于V8展开。

彻底搞懂 JavaScript 数据类型转换

本文主要介绍 JavaScript 数据类型转换。

Nest.js 实践总结

Nest.js 是一个现代的企业级 Node.js web 框架,在最近使用 Nest.js 实践一些项目的总结了一些使用心得。

JavaScript 断点调试技巧

这篇文章将介绍如何使用断点来进行 JavaScript 调试。在读这篇文章之前,需要问一个问题:为什么要使用断点来进行调试?

我们首先需要认可使用断点的是必要的,否则下文介绍的所有断点调试方法都会是废话。console.log 是前端开发最常用的调试手段,它简单直接解决一部分问题。但当遇到十分复杂的问题,console.log 就会变得不趁手。

Content-aware image resizing in JavaScript

JavaScript implementation of so-called Seam Carving algorithm for the content-aware image resizing and objects removal. Dynamic programming approach is applied to optimize the resizing time.


很多开发者可能平时并不关心自己维护的页面是否存在内存泄漏,原因可能是刚开始简单的页面内存泄漏的速度很缓慢,在造成严重卡顿之前可能就被用户刷新了,问题也就被隐藏了,但是随着页面越来越复杂,尤其当你的页面是 SAP 方式交互时,内存泄漏的隐患便越来越严重,直到突然有一天用户反馈说:“操作一会儿页面就卡住不动了,也不知道为什么,以前不这样的呀”。


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