



一篇文章入门 redis

之前给团队的同事做了一次超容易理解的 Redis 入门分享,这里加以整理修改成文章分享给需要的童鞋。

本文将会从:Redis 使用场景与介绍 -> 数据结构与简单使用 -> 小功能大用处 -> 持久化、主从同步与缓存设计 -> 知识拓展 来书写,初学的童鞋只要能记住 Redis 是用来干嘛,各功能的使用场景有哪些,然后对 Redis 有个大概的认识就好啦,剩下的以后有需要的时候再来查看和实践吧!

Redis 7.0 Multi Part AOF的设计和实现


Redis 在 vivo 推送平台的应用与优化实践


Redis 7.0 共享复制缓冲区的设计与实现

​本文将主要分析 Redis 主从复制中的内存消耗过多和堵塞问题,以及 Redis 7.0 (尚未发布) 的共享复制缓冲区方案是如何解决这些问题的。

网易有道 REDIS 云原生实战




Using Redis HASH instead of SET to reduce cache size and operating costs

What if you could dramatically reduce the cost to operate on cloud providers? That’s what we found when we dug into Redis HASH vs SET.







Streaming Real-Time Analytics with Redis, AWS Fargate, and Dash Framework

Uber’s GSS (Global Scaled Solutions) team runs scaled programs for diverse products and businesses, including but not limited to Eats, Rides, and Freight. The team transforms Uber’s ideas into agile, global solutions by designing and implementing scalable solutions. One of the areas of expertise within GSS is the Digitization vertical. The Digitization team efficiently converts physical signals into digital assets and provides services in labeling, in-field testing, data curation and validations for maps, product incubation, freight BOL (bill of lading), Eats menu uploads, etc.

All these digitization services are performed by thousands of humans (operators) working on our internal applications across many locations around the globe. While an operator is digitizing data, our backend collects a clickstream of all the user interactions in the form of raw events to the scale of 10 million events per day in AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud infrastructure. Sometimes this data is also moved to Uber’s own data centers. Our data analytics team performs analysis on this data to improve/tweak the process, augment tooling infrastructure, address operator motivation, and improve operator skills. Analytics is usually performed by querying big data lakes and using different frontend tools for visualisation. Generally, any analytics setup has a latency (source to user) component to it and the latency of our existing (pre-COVID) infrastructure was 1 hour. With the onset of COVID-19 crisis, the digitization process had to be transitioned to work-from-home mode, leading to additional operational complexity of remotely managing a huge workforce of operators. This complexity created a gap in team’s communication, decision making, and collaboration. Where 1-hour latency of our analytics platform was previously acceptable, real-time analytics was needed to fill this gap. This blog describes how we improved latency of our data architecture by building a real-time analytics system.

While we researched approaches used for building real-time dashboards (example), we did not find an end-to-end solution, considering how rich visualization can be achieved at lower cost. We considered different visualization approaches and also looked at commercial solutions to come up with our choices. Another differentiating aspect was that our solution also addresses the need for a “single source of truth” on Amazon S3 (Amazon’s “simple storage service”), from which both streaming and batch processed dashboards would to be sourced, rather than hooking directly into the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose stream itself. This intermediate storage lets us recover data (for the streaming window) with a replay. We production tested our visualizations with thousands of users for low load times and reliability.




最近优惠服务的redis经常会间歇性的抖动,具体表现为在短时间内redis rt上涨明显,RedisCommandTimeoutException异常陡增。


Redis 分布式锁的话题,很多文章已经写烂了,我为什么还要写这篇文章呢?

因为我发现网上 99% 的文章,并没有把这个问题真正讲清楚。导致很多读者看了很多文章,依旧云里雾里。



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