Myntra’ s BCP/DR Journey. Business Continuity Plan


Myntra has datacenter in region A . For diaster recovery (DR), Myntra got another datacenter in the region B. So region B became our DR region for region A.

If things go offtrack, it can lead to the unavailability of one whole region. So having at least two data centres in two different regions for business continuity makes sense.

We were using region A datacenter for serving production traffic. Region B datacenter was used for realtime state replication of databases and also to keep backup of databases.

So if region A is unavailable due to disaster, we can use backup state from region A to restore state in region B and provision stateless services in region B and then enable the production traffic in region B.

For diaster recovery, we need to do Business Impact Analysis of all the tech systems and need to arrive at the acceptable RTO and RPO thresholds.

RTO- Recovery Time Objective- Acceptable time duration threshold to restore the business function after the diaster event

RPO- Recovery Point Objective- Acceptable threshold for how back you will go back in time before diaster to restore data in usable format.



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