爱彼迎(英语:Airbnb)是一个出租住宿民宿的网站,提供短期出租房屋或房间,让旅行者通过网站或手机发掘和预订世界各地的独特房源,为近年来共享经济发展的代表之一。该网站成立于2008年8月,公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山,是一家私有公司,由“Airbnb, Inc.”负责管理营运。目前,爱彼迎在191个国家,65,000个城市中共有400万名房东、超过3,000,000笔房源。
Chronon — 一种开源声明式特征工程框架
Improving Search Ranking for Maps
How Airbnb is adapting ranking for our map interface.
From Data to Insights: Segmenting Airbnb’s Supply
How Airbnb uses data-driven segmentation to understand supply availability patterns.
Building a User Signals Platform at Airbnb
How Airbnb built a stream processing platform to power user personalization.
Airbnb’s AI-powered photo tour using Vision Transformer
Boosting computer vision accuracy and performance at Airbnb.
Adopting Bazel for Web at Scale
How and Why We Migrated Airbnb’s Large-Scale Web Monorepo to Bazel.
Transforming Location Retrieval at Airbnb: A Journey from Heuristics to Reinforcement Learning
How Airbnb leverages machine learning and reinforcement learning techniques to solve a unique information retrieval task in order to…
Automation Platform v2: Improving Conversational AI at Airbnb
How Airbnb’s conversational AI platform powers LLM application development.
Sandcastle: data/AI apps for everyone
Airbnb made it easy to bring data/AI ideas to life through a platform for prototyping web applications.
爱彼迎以用户体验驱动的 Android 性能度量
Riverbed Data Hydration — Part 1
A deep dive into the streaming aspect of the Lambda architecture framework of Riverbed.
爱彼迎以用户体验驱动的 iOS 性能度量
在 iOS 上,页面与 UIViewController相关联。我们在 UIViewController 的生命周期中收集性能数据,在 viewDidDisappear 时发送收集到的日志。我们使用 PageName 作为全局的页面标识符,日志必须存在 PageName 时才能创建或发送。
Building Postcards for “Airbnb” Scale
How the Airbnb Media team built group travel Postcards for the 2024 Summer Release by leveraging a novel destination matching algorithm while advancing the platform’s image & localized text processing capabilities.
Personal Data Classification
An Important Foundation For Security, Privacy, and Compliance at Airbnb.
Apache Flink® on Kubernetes
At Airbnb, Apache Flink was introduced in 2018 as a supplementary solution for stream processing. It ran alongside Apache Spark™ Streaming for several years before transitioning to become the primary stream processing platform. In this blog post, we will delve into the evolution of Flink architecture at Airbnb and compare our prior Hadoop Yarn platform with the current Kubernetes-based architecture. Additionally, we will discuss the efforts undertaken throughout the migration process and explore the challenges that arose during this journey. In the end we will summarize the impact, learnings along the way and future plans.
How Airbnb Smoothly Upgrades React
Incrementally modernizing our frontend infrastructure to roll out the latest React features without downgrades.