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由 esbuild JavaScript API 看跨语言调用

本文以 esbuild JavasScript API 为切入点,分析跨语言 API 的实现原理,从而更好地帮助读者理解打包工具。

Using ChatGPT to reverse engineer minified JavaScript

I was curious about how a component was implemented in a minified JavaScript file and used ChatGPT to reverse engineer the component.

JavaScript 模块化演进历程

回顾 JavaScript 的发展历程,从最初的简单浏览器脚本语言,到如今构建互联网应用程序的现代编程语言,模块化技术在这一演变中发挥了关键作用。本篇文章将从 JavaScript 的模块化探索及模块化规范的持续演进两部分,回顾 JavaScript 模块化的演进历程。


本文以三个示例从易到难地演示一种名为JS RPC的技术。

OTP Form Example Made with Tailwind CSS and JavaScript

An example of a simple OTP (One-Time Password) form made with Tailwind CSS and JavaScript.

Language Aware Nuxt.js Routing

Localize your Nuxt.js route paths.



OpenTelemetry for JavaScript Observability at Zalando

How Zalando improved observability for Node.js and web applications using OpenTelemetry.



A comparison of JavaScript CRDTs

Y.js、Automerge和JSON Joy是三个CRDT库,可以帮助我们理解什么是CRDTs以及如何实现LWW注册表。根据Bartosz Sypytkowski的介绍,CRDTs是一种直观的数据结构,他的实际示例很有帮助。对于理解CRDTs,Jacky的笔记也很有用。总结来说,Y.js易于集成,Automerge具有冲突处理功能,而JSON Joy提供了自定义协议的可能性。根据作者的描述,这些库都很不错,但没有实现作者期望的高级API。



前端 JS 安全对抗原理与实践


深度解读 JS 构造函数、原型、类与继承





在实际项目中,通常存在用户手动选择下载多个文件的情况。 常规的做法(服务器打包下载)是,后端从文件服务器(比如华为云OBS)读取文件,将这些文件进行打包,然后将压缩包字节流返回给前端,由前端下载到用户本地文件系统。

How we reduced the size of our JavaScript bundles by 33%

When was the last time you were about to click a button on a website, only to have the page shift—causing you to click the wrong button instead? Or the last time you rage-quit a page that took too long to load?

These problems are only amplified in applications as rich and interactive as ours. The more front-end code is written to support more complex features, the more bytes are sent to the browser to be parsed and executed, and the worse performance can get.

At Dropbox, we understand how incredibly annoying such experiences can be. Over the past year, our web performance engineering team narrowed some of our performance problems down to an oft-overlooked culprit: the module bundler.

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