




Kafka on Kubernetes: Reloaded for fault tolerance

Coban - Grab’s real-time data streaming platform - has been operating Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi in production for about two years. In a previous article (Zero trust with Kafka), we explained how we leveraged Strimzi to enhance the security of our data streaming offering.

In this article, we are going to describe how we improved the fault tolerance of our initial design, to the point where we no longer need to intervene if a Kafka broker is unexpectedly terminated.

Kafka 分级存储在腾讯云的实践与演进

本文介绍了一系列与微服务和消息队列相关的技术文章。其中包括云原生API网关支持WAF对象接入、Apache RocketMQ在腾讯云的实践、RocketMQ 5.X PopAck源码拆解等。该系列文章涵盖了多个技术领域,并提供了相关的详细信息和实践案例。


Kafka 是我们公司各个部门的重要数据中间件,主要用于上报、暂存和分发各种数据。




Kafka 是MQ消息队列作为最常用的中间件之一,其主要特性有:解耦、异步、限流/削峰。

Kafka 和传统的消息系统(也称作消息中间件)都具备系统解耦、冗余存储、流量削峰、缓冲、异步通信、扩展性、可恢复性等功能。与此同时,Kafka 还提供了大多数消息系统难以实现的消息顺序性保障及回溯消费的功能。

Scaling Kafka to Support PayPal’s Data Growth

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform that is used for data streaming pipelines, integration, and ingestion at PayPal. It supports our most mission-critical applications and ingests trillions of messages per day into the platform, making it one of the most reliable platforms for handling the enormous volumes of data we process every day.

To handle the tremendous growth of PayPal’s streaming data since its introduction, Kafka needed to scale seamlessly while ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and optimal performance. In this blog post, we will provide a high-level overview of Kafka and discuss the steps taken to achieve high performance at scale while managing operational overhead, and our key learnings and takeaways.

揭秘eBay Kafka跨数据中心高可用方案

本文讨论了基于local-aggregation集群拓扑, 设计Kafka跨数据中心高可用方案的思路,同时支撑了上下游数据和服务的高可用和连续性。

Monitoring Apache Kafka with JMX Exporter and Kafka Exporter

At Mixpanel, we use Apache Kafka to ingest trillions of data points per month. Continuous and reliable monitoring of our Apache Kafka brokers is crucial to avoid any unexpected service degradation or loss of data.

Zero traffic cost for Kafka consumers

Coban, Grab’s real-time data streaming platform team, has been building an ecosystem around Kafka, serving all Grab verticals. Along with stability and performance, one of our priorities is also cost efficiency.

In this article, we explain how the Coban team has substantially reduced Grab’s annual cost for data streaming by enabling Kafka consumers to fetch from the closest replica.

成本低误差小,携程基于 Kafka 的 Serverless 延迟队列的实践



当今大数据时代,高吞吐、高可靠成为了分布式系统中重要的指标。而Apache Kafka作为一个高性能、分布式、可扩展的消息队列系统,被越来越多的企业和开发者所关注和使用。

本文将介绍Kafka的基本概念,包括Kafka的架构、消息的存储和处理方式、Kafka的应用场景等,帮助读者快速了解Kafka的特点和优势。同时探讨Kafka的一些高级特性,如Kafka的配置、文件存储机制、分区 等,帮助读者更好地使用Kafka构建分布式系统和应用。



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