
Scaling Shopify's BFCM Live Map: An Apache Flink Redesign

A deep dive into how Shopify Data revamped the data infrastructure powering our BFCM live map using Apache Flink.

汽车之家基于Apache Flink的跨数据库实时物化视图探索


事实上,很多数据库系统和OLAP引擎都不同程度地支持了物化视图。另一方面,Streaming SQL本身就和物化视图有着很深的联系,那么基于Apche Flink(下称Flink) SQL去做一套实时物化视图系统是一件十分自然而然的事情了。

本文介绍了汽车之家(下称之家)在基于Flink的实时物化视图的一些实践经验与探索,并尝试让用户直接以批处理SQL的思路开发Flink Streaming SQL 任务。希望能给大家带来一些启发,共同探索这一领域。

Flink Sql Gateway的原理与实践

我们在使用Flink开发实时任务时,都会用到框架本身提供的DataStream API,这使得用户不能不用Java或者Scala甚至Python来编写业务逻辑;这种方式虽然灵活且表达性强,但对用户具有一定的开发门槛,并且随着版本的不断更新,DataStream API也有很多老版本不兼容的问题。

Real-Time Exactly-Once Ad Event Processing with Apache Flink and Kafka

Uber recently launched a new capability: Ads on UberEats. With this new ability came new challenges that needed to be solved at Uber, such as systems for ad auctions, bidding, attribution, reporting, and more. This article focuses on how we leveraged open source technology to build Uber’s first “near real-time” exactly-once events processing system. We’ll dive into the details of how we achieved exactly-once processing as well as the inner workings of our event processing jobs.

网易游戏 FlinkSQL 平台化实践

随着近年来流式 SQL 理论逐渐完善,在实时流计算场景中的提供与离线批计算类似的 SQL 开发体验成为可能。本文将介绍在网易游戏在 Flink SQL 平台化上的探索和实践。



Unified Flink Source at Pinterest: Streaming Data Processing

To best serve Pinners, creators, and advertisers, Pinterest leverages Flink as its stream processing engine. Flink is a data processing engine for stateful computation over data streams. It provides rich streaming APIs, exact-once support, and state checkpointing, which are essential to build stable and scalable streaming applications. Nowadays Flink is widely used in companies like Alibaba, Netflix, and Uber in mission critical use cases.



Detecting Image Similarity in (Near) Real-time Using Apache Flink

Pinterest is a visual platform at its core, so the need to understand and act on images is paramount. A couple of years ago, the Content Quality team designed and implemented our own batch pipeline to detect similar images. The similarity signal is widely used at Pinterest for use cases varying from improving recommendations based on similar images to taking down spam and abusive content. However, it was taking several hours for the signal to be computed for newly created images, which was a long window for spammers and abusers to harm the platform. So recently, the team implemented a streaming pipeline to detect similar images in near-real-time.

Pinterest Flink Deployment Framework

Apache Flink是一个框架和分布式处理引擎,用于在无界和有界数据流上进行有状态计算。它提供的功能包括精确的唯一性保证、低延迟、高吞吐量和强大的计算模型。在Pinterest,我们采用Flink作为统一的流处理引擎。

有赞 Flink 实时任务资源优化探索与实践

随着 Flink k8s 化以及实时集群迁移完成,有赞越来越多的 Flink 实时任务运行在 K8s 集群上,Flink k8s 化提升了实时集群在大促时弹性扩缩容能力,更好的降低大促期间机器扩缩容的成本。同时,由于 K8s 在公司内部有专门的团队进行维护,Flink k8s 化也能够更好的减低公司的运维成本。

不过当前 Flink k8s 任务资源是用户在实时平台端进行配置,用户本身对于实时任务具体配置多少资源经验较少,所以存在用户资源配置较多,但实际使用不到的情形。比如一个 Flink 任务实际上 4 个并发能够满足业务处理需求,结果用户配置了 16 个并发。这种情况会导致实时计算资源的浪费,从而对于实时集群资源水位以及底层机器成本,都有一定影响。基于这样的背景,本文从 Flink 任务内存以及消息能力处理方面,对 Flink 任务资源优化进行探索与实践。


随着公司用户增长业务快速发展,陆续孵化出 部落、同镇、C 端会员、游戏等非常多的业务板块。与此同时产品及运营对实时数据需求逐渐增多,帮助他们更快的做出决策,更好的进行产品迭代,实时数仓的建设变得越发重要起来。本文主要介绍用户增长业务基于 Flink 构建实时数仓的实践之路。

【Flink】基于 Flink 实时计算商品订单流失量

用户点击商品 A,但购买了同类商品 B,则商品 A 记为一次订单流失。




​本文主要围绕 MQ-Hive 场景,针对目前字节跳动内已有解决方案的痛点,提出基于 Flink 的实时解决方案,并介绍新方案在字节跳动内部的使用现状。

阿里巴巴大规模应用 Flink 的实战经验:常见问题诊断思路


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