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Spotify(/ˈspɒtɪfaɪ/),是一家瑞典在线音乐流媒体平台,主要服务除音乐外,包含播客、有声书及视频流服务。Spotify于2006年4月,由Daniel Ek和Martin Lorentzon在瑞典创立,以数字版权管理保护的音乐为主要业务,用户规模截至2021年6月有3.65亿。 其音乐授权来源由唱片公司、分销商或是艺术家本人提供直接授权。

Spotify的总部位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,公司则于卢森堡注册设立。除了美国由当地注册的Spotify USA, Inc.提供服务外,其他地区由Spotify AB提供服务,在欧洲、美洲及亚洲设有多个子公司及联系处。

2018年4月3日,Spotify以直接上市模式在纽交所上市,当日市值265亿美元。Spotify的营收来自两个方面。其中,免费服务的收入主要来自广告,而付费服务的收入来自Spotify Premium用户每月支付的费用。

Spotify提供免费增值服务模式,有两种流音乐:Spotify Free(160kbit/s)和Spotify Premium(320kbit/s以上)。Spotify支付按照歌曲中的点击率和播放次数比例,每次播放大约为0.04-0.1 美分。全球音乐流媒体服务商中,Spotify以32%的市场份额居第一,Apple Music 16%紧随其后,Amazon Music与TME(腾讯音乐集团)均为13%,YouTube Music 8%,四家占据80%以上市场份额。

Fleet Management at Spotify (Part 3): Fleet-wide Refactoring

For the third part of this Fleet Management series, we’ll discuss what we call “fleet-wide refactoring” of code across thousands of Git repos: the tools we’ve built to enable fleet-wide refactoring and make it an everyday occurrence, how we rolled them out, and lessons we’ve learned along the way.

Fleet Management at Spotify (Part 2): The Path to Declarative Infrastructure

At Spotify, we adopted the declarative infrastructure paradigm to evolve our infrastructure platform’s configuration management and control plane approach, allowing us to manage hundreds of thousands of cloud resources across tens of thousands of different services at scale.

Fleet Management at Spotify (Part 1): Spotify’s Shift to a Fleet-First Mindset

Instead of performing 10 major software upgrades to our infrastructure every year, what if we did 10,000 small ones? Across our entire codebase? That’s the idea behind Fleet Management: by building automation tools that can safely make changes to thousands of repos at once, we can maintain the health of our tech infrastructure continuously (instead of slowly and laboriously). More importantly, removing this low-level work from our developers’ to-do lists allows product teams to focus on solving problems way more interesting than migrating from Java 17.0.4 to 17.0.5. A healthier, more secure codebase, plus happier, more productive engineers. What’s not to like? In this first post about Fleet Management at Spotify, we describe what it means to adopt a fleet-first mindset — and the benefits we’ve seen so far.

Underflow bug

All of us are familiar with overflow bugs. However, sometimes you write code that counts on overflow. This is a story where overflow was supposed to happen but didn’t, hence the name underflow bug.

How to shuffle songs?

At Spotify we take user feedback seriously. We noticed some users complaining about our shuffling algorithm playing a few songs from the same artist right after each other. The users were asking “Why isn’t your shuffling random?”. We responded “Hey! Our shuffling is random!”

So who was right? As it turns out, both we and the users were right but it’s a bit more complicated than that. It also tells a nice story about how to interpret users’ feedback.



Spotify创始人兼CEO Daniel Ek的专访

Daniel Ek on how he spends his time, learns and makes decisions.

Spotify 技术升级的三步走策略


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