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2.3x faster using the Go plugin to replace Lua virtual machine

We’re excited to share with you the latest update on our open-source project Talaria. In our efforts to improve performance and overcome infrastructure limitations, we’ve made significant strides by implementing the Go plugin to replace Lua VM.

Our team has found that the Go plugin is roughly 2.3x faster and uses 2.3x less memory than the Lua VM. This significant performance boost has helped us improve overall functionality, scalability, and speed.

For those who aren’t familiar, Talaria is a distributed, highly available, and low-latency time-series database that’s designed for Big Data systems. Originally developed and implemented at Grab, Talaria is a critical component in processing millions and millions of transactions and connections every day, which demands scalable, data-driven decision-making.

Lua AST静态分析探索





Uncovering the truth behind Lua and Redis data consistency

Redis does not guarantee the consistency between master and its replica nodes when Lua scripts are used. Read more to find out why and how to guarantee data consistency.

深入理解 Lua 虚拟机

详细讲解 Lua 字节码文件的存储结构及各字段含义




一个 OpenResty 的接口报错了,我查了一下日志,发现如下报错信息: bad argument #1 to ‘test’ (string expected, got userdata) 看上去这就是一道送分题啊:无非就是 test 函数的第一个参数类型应该是 string,实际传递的却是 userdata。就当我觉得可以轻而易举解决问题的时候,突然发&

Writing a DSL in Lua

DSLs, or domain specific languages, are programming languages that are designed to implement a set of features specific to a particular problem or field. An example could be Make , the build tool,…


一、引言 Redis学了一段时间了,基本的东西都没问题了。从今天开始讲写一些redis和lua脚本的相关的东西,lua这个脚本是一个好东西,可以运行在任何平台上,也可以嵌入到大多数语言当中,来扩展其功

A Look at the Design of Lua

Credit: Bug Fish Lua is a scripting language developed at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) that has come to be the leading scripting language for video games…

Nginx Lua日志收集

谈谈基于 OpenResty 的接口网关设计

@yishuailuo 2017-09-15 09:35 字数 9597 阅读 22796 谈谈基于 OpenResty 的接口网关设计本文讲述基于 OpenResty 的接口网关设计,主要谈及接口网关的请求路由与安全认证ÿ

Nginx Lua Web Application Security


如何让 lua 做尽量正确的热更新

Lua 中 Cache 冷数据的落地

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