Data Model in Salesforce

1. Data Model in Salesforce Chamil Madusanka Software Engineer ( Twitter: @chamilmadusanka
2. Object In Salesforce Object Equal to Database Table Standard Predefined/CRM Related Custom Defined by Developer Fields Equal to Database Table column Standard Automatically Created Custom Defined by Developer
3. Object Fields In Salesforce Standard Fields System Assigned but can be initialized during record creation Indexed System Assigned/Not Updatable Required Referred to User/ User Group Name Created By ID User Assigned Modifiable Owner System Generated Not Modifiable Unique Text Auto Number Last Modified By Date Time Created Date Last Modified Date
4. Custom Fields in Salesforce Numeric Calendar Number Date Limited Required Option Formatted Check Box Email Text Calculation Text Auto number Text Area (Long) Currency Pick List Phone Formula Text Area (Rich) Date time Percent Pick List(Multi select) URL Encrypted Roll-up Summary
5. Field Dependancies Field Dependency Can be made dependent among two fields Controlling Field Maximum number of values allowed Pick in List/Check controlling field is 300 Box Dependent Field Custom Pick List
6. Object Relationships Relationships Parent-to-Child Relationship Lookup Master-Detail Loosely Coupled Tightly coupled No Cascade Cascade Independent ownership and sharing Inherited ownership and sharing Self lookup relationship to itself Hierarchy Only in User Object Many-To- Many Using Junction Object+2 Master- Detail
7. Master-Detail Relationship Master=Parent | Detail=Child Standard objects can't be on the detail side don't exceed 10,000 child records for a master-detail relationship Undeleting the master record also undeletes detail and subdetail records To create multilevel master-detail relationships, you need the "Customize Application" user permission. up to three custom detail levels
8. Comparison of Object Relationships Lookup Relationship Master-detail Relationship Coupled Loosely Tightly Child field value Optional Required Cascade Delete No Yes Ownership & sharing Independent Inherited from parent Maximum relationship per object 25 2 Roll-up summary in parent supported No Yes Multiple Layers Yes Yes (Depend the number on the object is Standard or Custom)
9. Many-to-Many relationship Two Master-Detail Relationships Required 3 rd object called junction object
10. Junction Object cannot become the master object in a multilevel master-detail relationship workflow rules and approval processes are allowed Outbound messages no allowed Inherits sharing from both masters cannot delete a parent record if there are more than 200 junction object records AND if the junction object has a roll-up summary field that rolls up to the other parent. 1 st M-D  Primary Relationship 2 nd M-D  Secondary Relationship On both master objects Roll-up summary fields that summarize data from the junction object can be created Formula fields , validation rules on the junction object can reference fields
11. Lookup Filters Limit the Search result for users Create on lookup, master-detail and hierarchical fields Compare fields to static value or to other field Can be required Define informational messages
12. Quick Revision • What is a custom object? – User Defined objects • List example of custom field types. – Text, Number, email, URL, pick list, checkbox, phone, currency, percent. Auto number • List the 4 types of custom relationships that can be built on platform. Describe the differences of them. – – – – Lookup Master-Detail Self Many-to-many • What are the two types of lookup filter? – Value – Field
13. Reference • tionships_considerations.htm • tionships_manytomany.htm#CJOIntro • html
14. Thank You & Good Luck

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