Apache Flink在快手实时多维分析场景的应用

1. The application of Flink in Kuaishou realtime multidimensional analysis scenario.
2. 01 The application scenarios and cluster size of Flink in Kuaishou. Contents 02 The application of realtime multidimensional analysis scenario. 03 SlimBase - Less IO embedded shared state storage.
3. The application scenarios and cluster size of Flink in Kuaishou. 01
4. The application of realtime multidimensional analysis scenario. Data access Data compute Data application
5. The application of realtime multidimensional analysis scenario. Realtime calculate all kinds of metrics and monitor items. Assist business to make decision and alarm in realtime. Data clean and split and join etc. Data extract and transform and load. Realtime business process. Specific business processing: realtime scheduling.
6. The application of realtime multidimensional analysis scenario. Realtime monitor the quality of short and live video App analysis Realtime calculate multiple live broadcast metric, like interruption and views and failure rate. Realtime calculate active and new and retain users according to multi channel and platform and version. Realtime scheduling of live video CDN Realtime data process Show stream join click stream of advertising data Dispatch cdn flow ratio according to the quality of each cdn firm.
7. The size of Flink cluster. Cluster deployment on yarn Offline Flink cluster is isolated by yarn label Realtime Flink cluster is for high stability requirements
8. The application of realtime multidimensional analysis scenario. 02
9. The application of realtime multidimensional analysis scenario. Ten billion level data volume. Data modeling within 5 dimensions to calculate pv and uv and new and retained metrics. Quickly graphical display metric result.
10. Technical solutions ✘
11. Technical Solutions Learn from Kylin precalculation
12. Content security scope KwaiBI: self-designed BI analysis tool. l Configure the cube mode: specify dimension and metrics. l Realtime graphical display for user analysis. Use realtime warehouse system to do data preprocessing. Use Flink Job to calculate metrics on all cube dimensions. Store metric results to Kudu.
13. Data Preprocessing Use internal metadata system to provide unified schema services. Everything is table: kafka topic, redis table, Hbase table and so on. More than one half of data format is protobuf and json. Use realtime data warehouse to do data cleaning and filtering.
14. Data Modeling Calculation Data Modeling Calculation l Modeling: use cube or groupingset to specify dimension group. l Calculate metrics of hour or day accumulation unique or new or retain users. l Output results by fixed time interval. Aggregate by dimension l Layer by Layer dimension reduction calculation. • Reduce data volume by upper layer results the dag is complex l Two layers dimension reduction calculation • Divide into full dimension layer and remaining dimension layer. • Use the result of full dimension layer aggregation and simplifying dag graph
15. Data Modeling Calculation Unique visitors metric calculation Example
16. Data Modeling Calculation Dimension data skew l Hash same dimension to different bucket to pre aggregate. l Full aggregate by same dimension. Exactly deduplication l Use bitmap to achieve exactly deduplication. l Use Dictionary Service to get long id according device Id string. l Custom BitmapState to divide large bitmap to multi blocks.
17. Data Modeling Calculation New user metric calculation Example l Judge the user user: use async function to access external services. l According to new user data stream to calculate new unique user.
18. Data Modeling Calculation Retention metric calculation Example
19. Content security scope Kudu characteristic l Low latency random read and write. l Fast column scan. l Suitable for real-time interactive analysis of scene. Storage l Encode by dimension. l Use time and dimension group and dimension value group as primary key. l Partition by dimension group and dimension value group and time.
20. KwaiBI Display Use KwaiBI to interaction analysis l Metric display. l User arbitrarily choose dimensions.
21. SlimBase - Less IO 03 embedded shared state storage
22. Challenge we meet Training sample Interval-Join logic ad-click-stream real-time join ad-view-stream before last 20 minutes Data Scale: ad-view-stream 1TB+ last 20 minutes AD Service AD View Log State selected: RocksDBStateBackend Flink Interval-Join Checkpoint interval: time is 5 min Kwai App AD Click Log
23. Challenge we meet Disk IO used 70% and 50% IO used comes from compaction Back pressure During the checkpoint, disk IO raised to 100% Checkpoint time is 1~5 minutes more long then the checkpoint interval During the checkpoint state will produce 4x data copy IO During big scale writing to RocksDB, disk IO will be 1TB local read + 3TB HDFS write
24. Solution Write data into shared storage directly to avoid data copy by checkpoint Use less IO compaction policy • Use SizeTieredCompaction • Take advantage of real-time data, use and improve FIFOCompaction Conclusion1 Using HBase instead of RocksDB
25. Solution Weight/Distributed relay on zookeeper master Client and RS Resource isolation hard memory and cpu is shared by container Has network cost Light/Embedded only a lib Resource isolation easy memory and cpu is isolated by container Has no network cost Conclusion2 Has to change HBase to embedded shared storage
26. Implement Step1: Slim HBase Step2: Implement adapter and operation interface Step3: Implement SlimBaseStateBackend
27. Implement -Slim HBase Prune fat meat • Cut out roles of client, zookeeper and master, reserving RS only • Cut out: ZK • Reserve: Cache, Memstore Compaction Flusher Gain lean meat • Move HFileCleaner module from master to RS • Implement merge interface Fs
28. Implement -interface and adapter Interface • Similar to RocksDB, logic view is two level: DB and CF • Basic interface: put, get, delete, merge • Add restore interface, which will be used to recover from snapshot Adapter • A SlimBase is adapted to a namespace of HBase • A ColumnFamily in SlimBase is adapted to a table of HBase
29. Implement -SlimBaseStateBackend l Complete multi states List/Map/Value/Reduce State l Snapshot and Restore process changed
30. Test Conclusion Checkpoint/Restore Time: second level Disk IO decrease 66% SlimDB Disk write bytes per second decrease 50% RocksDB Disk Util 66% Cpu cost decrease 33%
31. Improvement in the future 1.Implement FIFOCompaction based on OldestUnexpiredTime, goals to no disk IO. • FIFOCompaction: A no disk IO compaction policy based TTL • OUT: Set OUT=t2, means all data before t2 is expired Put win(t0~t2) Del win(t0~t2) Put win(t3~t5) Del win(t3~t5) Put win(t6~t8) Put win(t0~t2) Put win(t3~t5) Put win(t6~t8)
32. Improvement in the future 2.Use InMemoryCompaction to decrease cost of memstore flush and Compaction IO. 3.Support to improve performance of scan 4.Support short circuit read 5.Improve HDFS replication write disk policy: Write remote replication directly to disk to increase hit rate of pagecache
33. Plan in the future RocksDB will be replaced completely by SlimBase in all business in Kuaishou

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