How to (Actually) Use ChatGPT

相关话题: #ChatGPT
1. How to (Actually) Use ChatGPT A simple guide to unlocking infinite potential
2. ChatGPT isn't a psychic oracle or something out of Sci-Fi. It's a language model using huge sums of data.
3. It's nothing to be afraid of. It's to be used to its full potential for your benefit.
4. And in this guide, you'll learn how. My goal is to make this the most informative tutorial there is.
5. ...let's hope you agree.
6. 1. Prompting
7. Prompts are the foundation of all AI tools, including ChatGPT. How well you can prompt defines the value you get from AI platforms.
8. If you don't know, a prompt is the information you feed to an AI to do what you want it to do. For example...
9. Here's me prompting ChatGPT to create a s'mores recipe: Prompt
10. That's cool and all, but ChatGPT is capable of so much more than easy recipes. To get better, more detailed answers, you need it to become your ideal source.
11. 2. Playing the role
12. Every new ChatGPT conversation is a newborn baby. It has no context for anything you want it to do. ChatGPT You
13. To illustrate, say I'm in Madrid and want museum advice from ChatGPT. I'll ask it, "What are some museums I can visit in Madrid?
14. The answer is somewhat helpful... ...But I need more.
15. I need ChatGPT to actually become a travel guide if I want a helpful reply. Let's try the above prompt and see what happens.
16. The new prompt gives me a much better answer:
17. Let's perform one more example and push ChatGPT to the limit.
18. I need help designing an ecommerce site, so here's the prompt I'll give Chat: And the result...
19. impressive:
20. And if I need more, I need only ask:
21. 3. Even more examples
22. You can leverage the roleplaying strategy with any topic. Here are a few more examples to try for yourself:
23. 1. Storyteller
24. 2. Tech Reviewer
25. 3. Domain Creator
26. 4. Fallacy Finder
27. 5. Influencer
28. 6. Recruiter
29. 7. Excel Sheet
30. 8. Advertiser
31. 9. Title Generator
32. 10. Educator
33. 11. Social Manager
34. I hope that helped.

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