On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach

1. On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach Aurel Randolph 1 , Hanifa Boucheneb 1 , Abdessamad Imine 2 , and Alejandro Quintero 1 1 École Polytechnique de Montréal, P.O. Box 6079, Station Centre-ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3C 3A7. {aurel.randolph, hanifa.boucheneb, alejandro.quintero}@polymtl.ca 2 INRIA Grand-Est and Nancy-Université, France. imine@loria.fr The Operational Transformation (OT) approach, used in many collaborative editors, allows a group of users to concurrently update replicas of a shared object and exchange their updates in any order. The basic idea of this approach is to transform any received update operation before its execution on a replica of the object. This transformation aims to ensure the convergence of the different replicas of the object, even though the operations are executed in different orders. However, designing transformation functions for achieving convergence is a critical and challenging issue. Indeed, the transformation functions proposed in the literature are all revealed incorrect. In this paper, we investigate the existence of transformation functions for a shared string altered by insert and delete operations. From the theoretical point of view, two properties – named TP1 and TP2 – are necessary and sufficient to ensure convergence. Using controller synthesis technique, we show that there are some transformation functions which satisfy only TP1 for the basic signatures of insert and delete operations. As a matter of fact, it is impossible to meet both properties TP1 and TP2 with these simple signatures. 1 Introduction Collaborative editing systems (CESs for short) constitute a class of distributed systems where dispersed users interact by manipulating some shared objects like texts, images, graphics, XML documents, etc. To improve data availability, these systems are based on data replication. Each user has its local copy of the shared object and can access and update its local copy. The update operations executed locally are propagated to other users. Update operations are not necessarily executed in the same order on the object replicas, which may lead to a divergence (object replicas are not identical). For instance, suppose two users u 1 and u 2 working on their own copies of a text containing the word “efecte”. User u 1 inserts ‘ f ′ at position 1, to change the word into “effecte”. Concurrently, user u 2 deletes element at position 5 (i.e., the last ′ e ′ ), to change the word into “efect”. Each user will receive an update operation that was applied on a different version of the text. Applying naively the received update operations will lead to divergent replicas (“effece” for user u 1 and “effect” for user u 2 , see Fig.1). Several approaches are proposed in the literature, to deal with the convergence of replicated data: Multi-Version (MV), Serialization-Resolution of Conflicts (SRC), Commutative Replicated Data Type (CRDT), Operational Transformation (OT), etc. The multi-version approach [1], used in CVS, Subversion and ClearCase, is based on the paradigm “Copy-Modify-Merge”. In this approach, update operations made by a user are not automatically M.F. Atig, A. Rezine (Eds.): Infinity’12 EPTCS 107, 2013, pp. 45–59, doi:10.4204/EPTCS.107.5 c A. Randolph, H. Boucheneb, A. Imine, A. Quintero This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
2. 46 On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach propagated to the others. They will be propagated only when the user call explicitly the merge function. It would be interesting to propagate automatically, to all others, each update operation performed by a user. This is the basic idea of SRC. To achieve convergence, SRC imposes to execute the operations in the same order at every site. Therefore, sites may have to undo and execute again operations, as they receive the final execution order of update operations. This order is determined by a central server fixed when the system is launched (central node). For the previous example, this approach requires that sites of both users execute the two operations in the same order. However, even if we obtain an identical result in both sites, the execution order imposed by the central site may not correspond to the original intention of some user. For instance, executing, in both sites, the operation of u 1 followed by the one of u 2 results in the text “effece”, which is inconsistent with the intention of u 2 . The Commutative Replicated Data Type (CRDT) is a data type where all concurrent operations commute with each other [9]. In such a case, to ensure convergence of replicas it suffices to respect the causality principle (i.e., whenever an operation o ′ is generated after executing another operation o, o is executed before o ′ at every site). The main challenge of CRDT is designing commutative operations for the data type. The commonly used idea consists in associating a unique identifier with the position of each symbol, line or atom of the shared document and when an insert operation is generated, a unique identifier is also associated with the position parameter of the operation. The position identifiers do not change and are totally ordered w.r.t. <. Symbols, lines or atoms of the document appear in increasing order w.r.t. their identifiers. Managing position identifiers is a very important issue in this approach as the correctness is based on the unicity of position identifiers and the total order preservation. Ensuring unicity may induce space and time overheads. Let us apply this paradigm to the previous example. A unique identifier is associated with each symbol of the initial text: “(e,3) (f,6) (e, 8) (c,9) (t,9.5) (e,10)”. A unique identifier between 3 and 6 is affected to position 1 of the operation of u 1 . Let 4.5 be the selected identifier. The identifier affected to position 5 of the delete operation of u 2 is 10. Both execution orders of operations of u 1 and u 2 lead to the text “(e,3) (f,4.5) (f,6) (e, 8) (c,9) (t,9.5)”. CESs like TreeDoc [9], Logoot [17], Logoot-Undo [18] and WOOT [8] are based on CRDT paradigm. In this approach, all concurrent operations are commutative. So, the different orders of their execution lead to the same state. Operational transformation (OT) proposed by [5] is an approach where the generated concurrent operations are not necessarily commutative. Their commutativity is forced by transformation of operations before their execution. More precisely, when a site receives an update operation, it is first transformed w.r.t. concurrent operations already executed on the site. The transformed operation is then executed on the local copy. This transformation aims at assuring the convergence of copies even if users execute the same set of operations in different orders. OT is based on a transformation function, called Inclusive Transformation (IT), which transforms an update operation w.r.t. another update operation. For the previous example, when u 1 receives the operation of u 2 , it is first transformed w.r.t. the local operation as follows: IT (Del(5), Ins(1, f )) = Del(6). The deletion position is incremented because u 1 has inserted a character at position 1, which is before the character deleted by u 2 . Next, the transformed operation is executed on the local copy of u 1 . In a similar way, when u 2 receives the operation of u 1 , it is transformed as follows before its execution on the local copy of u 2 : IT (Ins(1, f ), Del(5)) = Ins(1, f ). In this case, it remains the same because f is inserted before the deletion position of operation of u 2 (see Fig.2). We can find, in the literature, several IT functions: Ellis’s algorithm [5], Ressel’s algorithm [10],
3. A. Randolph, H. Boucheneb, A. Imine, A. Quintero 47 Sun’s algorithm [14], Suleiman’s algorithm [11] and Imine’s algorithm [6]. However, all these functions fail to ensure convergence [2, 3, 7]. In this paper, we investigate the existence of IT functions ensuring convergence for shared strings based on the classical signatures of update operations. Section 2 is devoted to OT and IT functions proposed in the literature. For each IT function, we provide, at this level, a counterexample for the convergence property. In Section 3, we show, using a controller synthesis technique, that there is no IT function based on the classical signatures of update operations, which ensures convergence. Conclusion goes in Section 4. site 1 “efecte” site 2 “efecte” o 1 = Ins(1, ● f ) o 2 = Del(5) Del(5) Ins(1, f ) “effece” “effect” ● ● ● ● ✇✇✇✇ ● ✇ “effecte” ✇ ● ● ● “efect” ✇ ● ● ✇ ✇✇ Figure 1: Integration without transformation. site 1 “efecte” site 2 “efecte” o 1 = Ins(1, ◗ f ) o = Del(5) IT (o 2 ,o 1 ) = Del(6) IT (o 1 ,o 2 ) = Ins(1, f ) “effect” “effect” ◗ ◗ ◗ ♥ 2 ◗ ◗ ◗ ♥♥♥♥♥ “effecte” ♥ ◗ ♥ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ “efect” ◗ ◗ ◗ ♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Figure 2: Integration with transformation. 2 Operational Transformation Approach 2.1 Background OT considers n sites, where each site has a copy of the collaborative object (shared object). The shared object is a finite sequence of elements from a data type A (alphabet). It is assumed here that the shared object can only be modified by the following primitive operations: O = {Ins(p, c)|c ∈ A and p ∈ N} ∪ {Del(p)|p ∈ N} ∪ {Nop()} where Ins(p, c) inserts the element c at position p; Del(p) deletes the element at position p, and Nop() is the idle operation that has null effect on the object. Each site can concurrently update its copy of the shared object. Its local updates are then propagated to other sites. When a site receives an update operation, it is first transformed before its execution. Since the shared object is replicated, each site will own a local state l that is altered only by operations executed locally. The initial state of the shared object, denoted l 0 , is the same for all sites. Let L be the set of states. The function Do : O × L → L , computes the state Do(o, l) resulting from applying
4. On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach 48 operation o to state l. We denote by [o 1 ; o 2 ; . . . ; o m ] an operation sequence. Applying an operation sequence to a state l is defined as follows: (i) Do([], l) = l, where [] is the empty sequence and; (ii) Do([S; o], l) = Do(o, Do(S, l)), S being an operation sequence. Two operation sequences S 1 and S 2 are equivalent, denoted S 1 ≡ S 2 , iff Do(S 1 , l) = Do(S 2 , l) for all states l. Concretely, OT consists of the integration procedure and the transformation function, called Inclusive Transformation (IT function). The integration procedure is in charge of executing up- date operations, broadcasting local update operations to other sites, receiving update operations from other sites, and determining transformations to be performed on a received operation before its execution. The transformation function transforms an update operation o w.r.t. another up- date operation o ′ (IT (o, o ′ )). Let S = [o 1 ; o 2 ; . . . ; o m ] be a sequence of operations. Transforming any editing operation o w.r.t. S is denoted IT ∗ (o, S) and is recursively defined by: IT ∗ (o, []) = o, where [] is the empty sequence, and IT ∗ (o, [o 1 ; o 2 ; . . . ; o m ]) = IT ∗ (IT (o, o 1 ), [o 2 ; . . . ; o m ]). By defini- tion: IT (Nop(), o) = Nop() and IT (o, Nop()) = o for every operation o. 2.2 Integration procedures The integration procedure is based on two notions: concurrency and dependency of operations. Let o 1 and o 2 be two operations generated at sites i and j, respectively. We say that o 2 causally depends on o 1 , denoted o 1 → o 2 , iff: (i) i = j and o 1 was generated before o 2 ; or, (ii) i 6 = j and the execution of o 1 at site j has happened before the generation of o 2 . Operations o 1 and o 2 are said to be concurrent, denoted o 1 k o 2 , iff neither o 1 → o 2 nor o 2 → o 1 . As a long established convention in OT-based collaborative editors [5, 13], the timestamp vectors are used to determine the causality and concurrency relations between operations. A timestamp vector is associated with each site and each generated operation. Every timestamp is a vector of integers with a number of entries equal to the number of sites. For a site j, each entry V j [i] returns the number of operations generated at site i that have been already executed on site j. When an operation o is generated at site i, a copy V o of V i is associated with o before its broadcast to other sites. The entry V i [i] is then incremented by 1. Once o is received at site j, if the local vector V j “dominates” 1 V o , then o is ready to be executed on site j. In this case, V j [i] will be incremented by 1 after the execution of o. Otherwise, the o’s execution is delayed. Let V o 1 and V o 2 be timestamp vectors of o 1 and o 2 , respectively. Using these timestamp vectors, the causality and concurrency rela- tions are defined as follows: (i) o 1 → o 2 iff V o 1 [i] < V o 2 [ j]; (ii) o 1 k o 2 iff V o 1 [i] ≥ V o 2 [ j] and V o 2 [i] ≥ V o 1 [ j]. Several integration procedures have been proposed in the groupware research area, such as dOPT [5], adOPTed [10], SOCT2,4 [12, 16], GOTO [13] and COT [15]. There are two kinds of integration pro- cedures: centralized and decentralized. In the centralized integration procedures such as SOCT4 and COT, there is a central node which ensures that all concurrent operations are executed in the same order at all sites. In the decentralized integration procedures such as adOPTed, SOCT2 and GOTO, there is no central node and the operations may be executed in different orders by different sites. We focus, in the following, on the decentralized integration procedures. In general, in such a kind of integration procedures, every site generates operations sequentially and stores these operations in a stack also called a history (or execution trace). When a site receives a remote operation o, the integration procedure 1 We say that V 1 dominates V 2 iff ∀ i, V 1 [i] ≥ V 2 [i].
5. A. Randolph, H. Boucheneb, A. Imine, A. Quintero 49 executes the following steps: 1. From the local history S, it determines the equivalent sequence S ′ that is the concatenation of two sequences S h and S c where (i) S h contains all operations happened before o (according to the causality relation defined above), and (ii) S c consists of operations that are concurrent to o. 2. It calls the transformation component in order to get operation o ′ that is the transformation of o according to S c (i.e. o ′ = IT ∗ (o, S c )). 3. It executes o ′ on the current state and then adds o ′ to local history S. The integration procedure allows history of executed operations to be built on every site, provided that the causality relation is preserved. When all sites have executed the same set of operations (stable states), their histories are not necessarily identical because the concurrent operations may be executed in different orders. Nevertheless, they must be equivalent in the sense that they must lead to the same final state. 2.3 Inclusive transformation functions We can find, in the literature, several IT functions: Ellis’s algorithm [5], Ressel’s algorithm [10], Sun’s algorithm [14], Suleiman’s algorithm [11] and Imine’s algorithm [6]. They differ in the manner that con- flict situations are managed. A conflict situation occurs when two concurrent operations insert different characters at the same position. To deal with such conflicts, all these algorithms, except the one proposed by Sun et al., add some extra parameters to the insert operation signature. 2.3.1 Ellis’s algorithm Ellis and Gibbs [5] are the pioneers of OT approach. They extend operation Ins with another parameter pr representing its priority. Concurrent operations have always different priorities. Fig.3 illustrates the four transformation cases for Ins and Del proposed by Ellis and Gibbs. IT(Ins(p 1 ,c 1 , pr 1 ),Ins(p 2 ,c 2 , pr 2 )) =  Ins(p 1 ,c 1 , pr 1 ) if (p 1 < p 2 )∨       (p 1 = p 2 ∧ c 1 6 = c 2 ∧ pr 1 < pr 2 )    Ins(p 1 + 1,c 1 , pr 1 ) if p 1 > p 2 ∨     (p 1 = p 2 ∧ c 1 6 = c 2 ) ∧ pr 1 > pr 2 )      Nop() otherwise   Ins(p 1 ,c 1 , pr 1 ) if p 1 < p 2 IT(Ins(p 1 ,c 1 , pr 1 ),Del(p 2 ))=  Ins(p 1 − 1,c 1 , pr 1 ) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2 IT(Del(p 1 ),Ins(p 2 ,c 2 , pr 2 )) =  Del(p 1 + 1) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2    IT(Del(p 1 ),Del(p 2 )) = Del(p 1 − 1) if p 1 > p 2     Nop() otherwise Figure 3: IT function of Ellis et al.
6. On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach 50 2.3.2 Ressel’s algorithm Ressel et al. [10] proposed an algorithm that provides two modifications in Ellis’s algorithm. The first modification consists in replacing priority parameter pr by another parameter u, which is simply the identifier of the issuer site. Similarly, u is used for tie-breaking when a conflict occurs between two concurrent insert operations. As for the second modification, it concerns how a pair of insert operations is transformed. When two concurrent insert operations add at the same position two (identical or different) elements, only the insertion position of operation having a higher identifier is incremented. In other words, the both elements are inserted even if they are identical. What is opposite to solution proposed by Ellis and Gibbs, which keeps only one element in case of identical concurrent insertions. Apart from these modifications, the other cases remain similar to those of Ellis and Gibb. Fig. 4 illustrates all transformation cases given by the algorithm of Ressel et al. [10]. IT(Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ,u 1 ),Ins(p 2 ,c 2 ,u 2 )) = IT(Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ,u 1 ),Del(p 2 ))=   Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ,u 1 )  Ins(p 1 + 1,c 1 ,u 1 )   Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ,u 1 ) if p 1 < p 2 ∨ (p 1 = p 2 ∧ u 1 < u 2 ) otherwise if p 1 ≤ p 2  Ins(p 1 − 1,c 1 ,u 1 ) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2 IT(Del(p 1 ),Ins(p 2 ,c 2 ,u 2 )) =  Del(p 1 + 1) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2    IT(Del(p 1 ),Del(p 2 )) = Del(p 1 − 1) if p 1 > p 2     Nop() otherwise Figure 4: IT function of Ressel et al. 2.3.3 Sun’s algorithm Sun et al. [14] have designed another IT algorithm, which is slightly different in the sense that it is defined for stringwise operations. Indeed, the following operations are used: Ins(p, s, l) to insert string s of length l at position p and Del(p, l) to delete string of length l from position p. To compare with other IT algorithms, we suppose that l = 1 for all update operations. The IT function in this case is reported at Fig. 5. IT(Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ),Ins(p 2 ,c 2 )) = IT(Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ),Del(p 2 ))=   Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ) if p 1 < p 2  Ins(p 1 + 1,c 1 ) otherwise   Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ) if p 1 ≤ p 2  Ins(p 1 − 1,c 1 ) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2 IT(Del(p 1 ),Ins(p 2 ,c 2 )) =  Del(p 1 + 1) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2    IT(Del(p 1 ),Del(p 2 )) = Del(p 1 − 1) if p 1 > p 2     Nop() otherwise Figure 5: Characterwise IT function of Sun et al.
7. A. Randolph, H. Boucheneb, A. Imine, A. Quintero 2.3.4 51 Suleiman’s algorithm Suleiman et al. [11] proposed another solution that modifies the signature of insert operation by adding two parameters av and ap. For an insert operation Ins(p, c, av, ap), av contains operations that have deleted a character before the insertion position p. The set ap contains operations that have removed a character after or at position p. When an insert operation is generated the parameters av and ap are empty. They will be filled during transformation steps. The IT algorithms of Suleiman and al. is given in Figure 6. To resolve the conflict between two concurrent insert operations Ins(p, c 1 , av 1 , ap 1 ) and Ins(p, c 2 , av 2 , ap 2 ), three cases are possible: 1) (av 1 ∩ ap 2 ) 6 = 0: / character c 2 is inserted before character c 1 , 2) (ap 1 ∩ av 2 ) 6 = 0: / character c 2 is inserted after character c 1 , 3) (av 1 ∩ ap 2 ) = (ap 1 ∩ av 2 ) = 0: / in this case characters c 1 and c 2 are compared (for instance according to the lexicographic order) to choose the one to be added before the other. Like the site identifiers and priorities, parameters av, ap, comparison of characters are used to tie-break conflict situations. Note that when two concurrent operations insert the same character (e.g. c 1 = c 2 ) at the same position, the one is executed and the other one is ignored by returning the idle operation Nop(). In other words, like the solution of Ellis and Gibb [5], only one character is kept.    Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ,,av 1 ,ap 1 )                    IT(Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ,av 1 ,ap 1 ),Ins(p 2 ,c 2 ,av 2 ,ap 2 )) = Ins(p 1 + 1,c 1 ,av 1 ,ap 1 )                      Nop()   Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ,av 1 ,ap 1 ∪ {Del(p 2 )}) IT(Ins(p 1 ,c 1 ,av 1 ,ap 1 ),Del(p 2 ))=  Ins(p 1 − 1,c 1 ,av 1 ∪ {Del(p 2 )},ap 1 )   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2 IT(Del(p 1 ),Ins(p 2 ,c 2 ,av 2 ,ap 2 )) =  Del(p 1 + 1) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2    IT(Del(p 1 ),Del(p 2 )) = Del(p 1 − 1) if p 1 > p 2     Nop() otherwise if p 1 < p 2 ∨ (p 1 = p 2 ∧ ap 1 ∩ av 2 6 = 0)∨ / (p 1 = p 2 ∧ ap 1 ∩ av 2 = av 1 ∩ ap 2 = 0 / ∧c 1 > c 2 ) if p 1 > p 2 ∨ (p 1 = p 2 ∧ av 1 ∩ ap 2 6 = 0)∨ / (p 1 = p 2 ∧ ap 1 ∩ av 2 = av 1 ∩ ap 2 = 0 / ∧c 1 < c 2 ) otherwise if p 1 ≤ p 2 otherwise Figure 6: IT function of Suleiman and al. 2.3.5 Imine’s algorithm In [6], Imine and al. proposed another IT algorithm which again enriches the signature of insert operation with parameter ip which is the initial (or the original) insertion position given at the generation stage. Thus, when transforming a pair of insert operations having the same current position, they compare first their initial positions in order to recover the position relation at the generation phase. If the initial positions are identical, then like Suleiman and al. [11] they compare symbols to tie-break an eventual conflict. Fig. 7 gives the IT function of Imine.
8. On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach 52   Ins(p 1 , c 1 , ip 1 ) if p 1 < p 2 ∨ (p 1 = p 2 ∧ ip 1 < ip 2 ) ∨       (p 1 = p 2 ∧ ip 1 = ip 2 ∧ c 1 < c 2 )    IT(Ins(p 1 , c 1 , ip 1 ), Ins(p 2 , c 2 , ip 2 )) = Ins(p 1 + 1, c 1 , ip 1 ) if p 1 > p 2 ∨ (p 1 = p 2 ∧ ip 1 > ip 2 ) ∨     (p 1 = p 2 ∧ ip 1 = ip 2 ∧ c 1 > c 2 )       Nop() otherwise   Ins(p 1 , c 1 , ip 1 ) if p 1 ≤ p 2 IT(Ins(p 1 , c 1 , ip 1 ), Del(p 2 ))=  Ins(p 1 − 1, c 1 , ip 1 ) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2 IT(Del(p 1 ), Ins(p 2 , c 2 , ip 2 )) =  Del(p 1 + 1) otherwise   Del(p 1 ) if p 1 < p 2    IT(Del(p 1 ), Del(p 2 )) = Del(p 1 − 1) if p 1 > p 2     Nop() otherwise Figure 7: IT function of Imine and al. 2.4 Consistency criteria An OT-based collaborative editor is consistent iff it satisfies the following properties: 1. Causality preservation: if o 1 → o 2 then o 1 is executed before o 2 at all sites. 2. Convergence: when all sites have performed the same set of updates, the copies of the shared document are identical. To preserve the causal dependency between updates, timestamp vectors are used. In [10], the authors have established two properties T P1 and T P2 that are necessary and sufficient to ensure data convergence for any number of operations executed in arbitrary order on copies of the same object (i.e., decentralized integration procedure): For all o 1 , o 2 and o 3 pairwise concurrent operations generated on the same state (initial state or state reached from the initial state by executing equivalent sequences): • T P1: [o 1 ; IT (o 2 , o 1 )] ≡ [o 2 ; IT (o 1 , o 2 )]. • T P2: IT ∗ (o 3 , [o 1 ; IT (o 2 , o 1 )]) = IT ∗ (o 3 , [o 2 ; IT (o 1 , o 2 )]). Property T P1 defines a state identity and ensures that if o 1 and o 2 are concurrent, the effect of executing o 1 before o 2 is the same as executing o 2 before o 1 . Property T P2 ensures that transforming o 3 along equivalent and different operation sequences will give the same operation. By abuse of language, an IT function satisfying properties TP1 and TP2 is said be consistent. Accordingly, by these properties, it is not necessary to enforce a global total order between concurrent operations because data divergence can always be repaired by operational transformation. However, finding an IT function that satisfies T P1 and T P2 is considered as a hard task, because this proof is often unmanageably complicated. Note that for some centralized integration procedures such as SOCT4 and COT, property TP1 is a necessary and sufficient to ensure data convergence. IT functions of Ellis and Sun do not satisfy the property TP1 (see Fig.8 and Fig.9) [6]. The pairs of concurrent operations violating TP1 are (o 1 = Ins(1, f , pr 1 ), o 2 = Del(1)) and
9. A. Randolph, H. Boucheneb, A. Imine, A. Quintero 53 (o 1 = Ins(1, f ), o 2 = Del(1)), respectively. site 1 “efecte” site 2 “efecte” o 1 = Ins(1, f , ◗ pr 1 ) o = Del(1) IT (o 2 , o 1 ) = Del(2) IT (o 1 , o 2 ) = Ins(0, f , pr 1 ) “efecte” “feecte” ◗ ◗ ◗ ♠ 2 ◗ ◗ ◗ ♠♠♠♠♠ ♠ ◗ ♠ “effecte” ♠♠ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ “eecte” ♠♠♠ ◗ ◗ ( ♠ ♠ ♠ Figure 8: Violation of TP1 for Ellis’s IT. site 1 “efct” site 2 “efct” o 1 = Ins(1, P f ) o = Ins(1, e) IT (o 2 , o 1 ) = Ins(2, e) IT (o 1 , o 2 ) = Ins(2, f ) “efefct” “effect” 2 P P P ♥ P P P ♥♥♥♥♥ P ♥ P “effct” ♥ P P P “efect” P P P ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ Figure 9: Violation of TP1 for Sun’s IT. Suleiman’s IT satisfies neither TP1 nor TP2 [3, 6]. The counterexample for TP1 is given by the pair of operations (o ′ 1 = Ins(2, f , {o 3 }, {o 5 }), o ′ 2 = Ins(2, c, {o 5 }, {o 3 })). The corresponding scenario, reported at Fig.10, consists of 4 users u 1 , u 2 , u 3 and u 4 on different sites. Users u 1 , u 2 and u 3 have generated and executed locally sequences S 1 = [o 1 = Ins(3, f , 0, / 0)], / S 2 = [o 2 = Ins(2, c, 0, / 0)] / and S 3 = [o 3 = Del(2); o 4 = Ins(2, e, 0, / 0); / o 5 = Del(2)], respectively. Then, user u 3 receives suc- cessively operations o 1 and o 2 . User u 4 receives consecutively operations of S 3 , o 2 and o 1 . The IT function of Suleiman fails to ensure convergence (property TP1 is violated). Indeed, when the site of user u 3 receives o 1 , it is first transformed w.r.t. the sequence S 3 . The resulting operation o ′ 1 = IT ∗ (o 1 , S 3 ) = Ins(3, f , {o 3 }, {o 5 }) is executed locally. When it receives o 2 , it is successively trans- formed w.r.t. S 3 (o ′ 2 = IT ∗ (o 2 , S 3 ) = Ins(2, c, {o 5 }, {o 3 })) and o ′ 1 (i.e., IT (o ′ 2 , o ′ 1 ) = Ins(3, f , {o 3 }, {o 5 })) before its execution. For its part, the site of u 4 executes the sequence S 3 of u 3 without transformation but when it receives o 2 , it is transformed against S 3 (i.e.,o ′ 2 = IT ∗ (o 2 , S 3 ) = Ins(2, c, {o 5 }, {o 3 })) then executed. When it receives operation o 1 , it is successively transformed w.r.t. S 3 (i.e., o ′ 1 ) and o ′ 2 (i.e., IT (o ′ 1 , o ′ 2 )) before its execution. This scenario leads to a divergence of copies of u 3 and u 4 . The property T P1 is then violated. Ressel’s IT does not satisfy TP2 but satisfies TP1 [3]. In Fig.11, we report a scenario violating property TP2 for the triplet of concurrent operations (o 1 = Del(1), o 2 = Ins(2, c 2 , u 2 ), o 3 = Ins(1, c 3 , u 3 )). Imine’s IT function satisfies TP1 but does not satisfy TP2 [3]. In Fig.12, we report a scenario violat- ing TP2. In this scenario, there are 4 users u 1 , u 2 , u 3 and u 4 on different sites. Users u 1 , u 2 and u 3 have generated sequences S 1 = [o 1 = Del(2)], S 2 = [o 0 = Del(2); o 2 = Ins(2, c, 2)] and S 3 = [o 3 = Ins(2, e, 2)], respectively. User u 2 executes operations o 0 and o 2 then it receives successively operations o 1 and o 3 . User u 4 receives successively operations o 0 , o 1 , o 2 and o 3 . For this scenario, the IT function of Imine fails to ensure convergence for copies of users u 2 and u 4 . The property T P2 is violated (see Fig.12).
10. On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach 54 site of u 1 “eftte” o 1 = Ins(3, f P , 0, / 0) / site of u 2 “eftte” site of u 3 “eftte” site of u 4 “eftte” o = Ins(2, c, 0, / 0) / o = Del(2) o = Del(2) o ′ 2 = IT ∗ (o 2 , [o 3 ; o 4 ; o 5 ]) o ′ 1 = IT ∗ (o 1 , [o 3 ; o 4 ; o 5 ]) IT (o ′ 2 , o ′ 1 ) = Ins(3, c, {o 5 }, {o 3 }) IT (o ′ 1 , o ′ 2 ) = Ins(3, f , {o 3 }, {o 5 }) “effcte” “efcfte” 3 3 2 ✺ ✺ P P P ✺ ✺ P P P P P P ✺ ✺ o 4 = Ins(2, e, 0, / 0) / o 4 = Ins(2, e, 0, / 0) / P P P ✺ ✺ P P P P P P ✺ ✺ P P P ✺ ✺ o 5 = Del(2) o 5 = Del(2) P P ✺ P ✺ ✺ P P ✺ ✺ P P P P “efte” ✺ ✺ P P P P “efte” P ' ✺ ✺ ✺ o ✺ ′ 1 = IT ∗ (o 1 , [o 3 ; o 4 ; o 5 ]) o ′ 2 = IT ∗ (o 2 , [o 3 ; o 4 ; o 5 ]) ✺ ✺ ✺ ✺ o ′ 2 = Ins(2, c, {o 5 }, {o 3 }) o ′ 1 = ✺ Ins(2, f , {o 3 }, {o 5 }) ✺ ✺ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ✐✐✐✐ ✺ ✺ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ✐ ❯ ✐✐✐✐✐ ✺ ✺ “effte” “efcte” ✐✐ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ✺ ✺ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ✐✐✐✐ ✐✐✐✐ Figure 10: Violation of TP1 for Suleiman’s IT. site 1 site 2 o 1 = Del(1) ❱ o = Ins(2, c, u 2 ) 2 ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤ ❱ ❤ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❱ ❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤ o 21 = IT (o 2 , o 1 ) = Ins(1, c, u 2 ) o 12 = IT (o 1 , o 2 ) = Del(1) IT (IT (o 3 , o 1 ), o 21 ) = Ins(2, e, u 3 ) IT (IT (o 3 , o 2 ), o 12 ) = Ins(1, e, u 3 ) Figure 11: Violation of TP2 for Ressel’s IT (in case u 2 < u 3 ). site of u 1 “eefft” o 1 = Del(2) ❘ site of u 2 “eefft” site of u 4 “eefft” site of u 3 “eefft” o = Del(1) o 0 = Del(1) o 3 = Ins(2, e, 2) 0 ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ “efft” ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ❘ ☎ ☎☎ ☎ “efft” ☎ ☎☎ ☎ ☎ o ′ 1 = IT (o 1 , o 0 ) = Del(1) o 2 = Ins(2, c, 2) ☎☎ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ☎ ✐ ✐ ✐ ☎ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ✐✐ ☎ ❯ ❯ ❯ ✐ ❯ ✐✐✐✐✐ ☎☎ ✐ ❯ “eft” “efcft” ✐ ❯ ☎ ✐ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ❯ ☎ ✐✐✐ ❯ ❯ * ☎☎ ✐✐✐✐ ☎ ∗ ′′ ′ ′ o 1 = IT (o 1 , [o 0 ; o 2 ]) = Del(1) o 2 = IT (o 2 , o 1 ) = Ins(1, c, 2) ☎☎ ☎☎ ☎ ☎ “ecft” “ecft” ☎☎ ☎ ☎☎ IT ∗ (o 3 , [o 0 ; o ′ 1 ; o ′ 2 ]) = Ins(2, e, 2) IT ∗ (o 3 , [o 0 ; o 2 ; o ′′ 1 ]) = Ins(1, e, 2) “eceft” “eecft” Figure 12: Violation of TP2 for Imine’s IT.
11. A. Randolph, H. Boucheneb, A. Imine, A. Quintero 55 chooseIT:int[0,5] getChosenIT(chooseIT) s1 s1 op1: opr_t, p1: p_t, c1: symb_t, op2: opr_t, p2:p_t, c2: symb_t (op1==Del imply c1==vide) && (op2==Del imply c2==vide) o1.op=op1, o1.p=p1, o1.c=c1, o2.op=op2, o2.p=p2, o2.c=c2 isNop:Bool, ip1:int[−1,1], ip2:int[−1,1] IT1(o1,o2,o12,isNop,ip1), IT1(o2,o1,o21,isNop, ip2), VerifyTP1() s0 op1: opr_t, p1: p_t, c1: symb_t, op2: opr_t, p2: p_t, c2: symb_t, op3: opr_t, p3: p_t, c3: symb_t s0 (op1==Del imply c1==vide) && (op2==Del imply c2==vide) && (op3==Del imply c3==vide) o1.op=op1, o1.p=p1, o1.c=c1, o2.op=op2, o2.p=p2, o2.c=c2, o3.op=op3, o3.p=p3, o3.c=c3, IT2(o1,o2,o12), IT2(o2,o1,o21), IT2(o3,o1,o31), IT2(o3,o2,o32), IT2(o31,o21,o3121), IT2(o32,o12,o3212), VerifyTP2() s2 s2 Figure 13: Synthesize an IT for TP1 3 Figure 14: Synthesize a consistent IT function Controller synthesis of consistent IT functions Given the model of some system and a property to be satisfied. Controller synthesis addresses the question of how to limit the behavior of the model so as to meet the property. In such a framework, the model consists, in general, of controllable and uncontrollable actions (i.e., transitions). The control objective is to find, if it exists, a strategy to force the property, by choosing appropriately controllable actions to be executed, no matter what uncontrollable actions are executed. We are interested to apply the principle of controller synthesis to design an IT function which satisfies properties TP1 and TP2. We first investigate whether or not there exist some IT functions which satisfy property TP1. If it is the case, we investigate whether or not there exist some IT functions, among those satisfying TP1, which satisfy also TP2. For these investigations, we use the game automata formalism ‘à la UPPAAL’ [4]. A game automaton is an automaton with two kinds of transitions: controllable and uncontrollable. Each transition has a source location and a destination location. It is annotated with selections, guards and blocks of actions. Selections bind non-deterministically a given identifier to every value in a given range (type). The other labels of a transition are within the scope of this binding. A state is defined by the current location and the current values of all variables. A transition is enabled in a state iff the current location is the source location of the transition and its guard evaluates to true. The firing of the transition consists in reaching its destination location and executing atomically its block of actions. The side effect of this block changes the state of the system. To force some properties, the enabled transitions that are controllable can be delayed or simply ignored. However, the uncontrollable transitions can neither be delayed nor ignored. 3.1 Do there exist IT functions which satisfy TP1? An IT function satisfies property T P1 iff for any pair of concurrent operations o 1 and o 2 , it holds that [o 1 ; IT (o 2 ; o 1 )] ≡ [o 2 ; IT (o 1 , o 2 )]. To verify whether or not there are some IT functions which
12. 56 On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach satisfy property TP1, we have represented in the game automaton, depicted at Fig.13, the genera- tion of operations o 1 and o 2 , the computation of IT (o 1 ; o 2 ) and IT (o 2 , o 1 ), and the verification of [o 1 ; IT (o 2 ; o 1 )] ≡ [o 2 ; IT (o 1 , o 2 )]. The generation of operations is specified by the uncontrollable transition (s 0 , s 1 ), since we have no control on the kinds operations generated by users. The operational transformations and the verification of TP1 are represented by the controllable transition (s 1 , s 2 ). The model starts by selecting two operations o 1 and o 2 . The domain of operations is fixed so as to cover all cases of transformations. Afterwards, it chooses two transformations to apply to o 1 w.r.t. o 2 and o 2 w.r.t. o 1 and applies them by invoking function IT 1. Function IT 1(o 1 , o 2 , o 12 , IsNop, ip 1 ) returns in o 12 the result of transformation of o 1 w.r.t. o 2 . If IsNop = f alse then o 12 = Nop(), otherwise the transformation of o 1 consists in updating the parameter position (o 12 .p = o 1 .p + ip 1 ). It means that 4 possibilities are offered for transforming an operation o 1 w.r.t. another operation o 2 : Nop(), decrementing, maintaining, or incrementing the position of o 1 . Finally, the model verifies whether or not the property TP1 is satisfied. No matter what operations o 1 and o 2 generated by the uncontrollable transition, the controller synthesis aims to force property TP1 by choosing appropriately the operational transformations. We have used the tool Uppaal-Tiga [4] to verify whether or not there exist some IT functions, which satisfy TP1. The safety control objective for TP1 is AG T P1, where T P1 is defined in the model as a boolean variable whose value is true while the property TP1 is satisfied. The boolean variable TP1 is set to false by the function VerifyTP1 if [o 1 ; IT (o 2 , o 1 )] 6≡ [o 2 ; IT (o 1 , o 2 )]. Uppaal-Tiga concludes that the property is satisfied, which means that there is, at least, a strategy to force property TP1. We report in Table 1 the different IT functions (satisfying TP1) extracted from the output file of the tool verifytga of Uppaal-Tiga. Even if some operational transformations satisfy TP1, they are unacceptable from the semantic point of view. For instance, if p 1 = p 2 , the operational transformations IT (Del(p 1 ), Del(p 2 )) = Del(p 1 − 1), IT (Del(p 1 ), Del(p 2 )) = Del(p 1 ) and IT (Del(p 1 ), Del(p 2 )) = Del(p 1 + 1) mean that if two users generate concurrently the same delete operation, two symbols will be deleted in each site, which is unacceptable from the semantic point of view. The only operational transformation which has a sense for this case is IT (Del(p 1 ), Del(p 2 )) = Nop(). It means that only the symbol at position p 1 is deleted in each site. After eliminating these incoherent operational transformations, it remains 2 possibilities for IT (Ins(p 1 , c 1 ), Ins(p 2 , c2)), p 1 = p 2 , c 1 6 = c 2 , and 3 for IT (Ins(p 1 , c 1 ), Ins(p 2 , c2)), p 1 = p 2 , c 1 = c 2 . Therefore, we can extract 6 IT functions which satisfy TP1. These IT functions differ in the way that conflicting operations are managed. 3.2 Do there exist IT functions which satisfy TP1 and TP2? An IT function satisfies property T P2 iff for any triplet of pairwise concurrent operations o 1 , o 2 and o 3 , it holds that IT (IT (o 3 , o 1 ), IT (o 2 , o 1 )) = IT (IT (o 3 , o 2 ), IT (o 1 , o 2 )). To verify whether or not there are some IT functions which satisfy properties TP1 and TP2, we have used the game automaton depicted at Fig.14. This model starts by selecting an IT function, which satisfies property TP1 (the range of chooseIT corresponds to the 6 IT functions satisfying TP1). Afterwards, it selects three operations o 1 , o 2 and o 3 , and performs the transformations needed to verify TP2. Function IT 2(o 1 , o 2 , o 12 ) applies the selected IT function to o 1 w.r.t. o 2 and returns the result of this transformation in o 12 . Finally, the model calls function VerifyTP2. The control aims to force to choose the appropriate IT function so as to satisfy property TP2. The control objective is specified by the CTL formula AG T P2, where T P2 is a boolean variable whose value is true while the property TP2 is satisfied. This variable is set to false by
13. A. Randolph, H. Boucheneb, A. Imine, A. Quintero 57 Table 1: IT functions supplied by Uppaal-Tiga for TP1 and classical signatures of update operations o 1 o 2 Cnd(p 1 , p 2 , c 1 , c 2 ) IT (o 1 , o 2 ) IT (o 2 , o 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) p 1 < p 2 p 1 = p 2 ∧ c 1 < c 2 p 1 = p 2 ∧ c 1 < c 2 p 1 = p 2 ∧ c 1 = c 2 p 1 = p 2 ∧ c 1 = c 2 p 1 = p 2 ∧ c 1 = c 2 Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 + 1, c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 + 1, c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Nop() Ins(p 2 + 1, c 2 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) Ins(p 2 + 1, c 2 ) Ins(p 2 + 1, c 2 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) Nop() Del(p 1 ) Del(p 1 ) Del(p 1 ) Del(p 1 ) Del(p 1 ) Del(p 2 ) Del(p 2 ) Del(p 2 ) Del(p 2 ) Del(p 2 ) p 1 < p 2 p 1 = p 2 p 1 = p 2 p 1 = p 2 p 1 = p 2 Del(p 1 ) Del(p 1 − 1) Del(p 1 + 1) Del(p 1 ) Nop() Del(p 2 − 1) Del(p 2 − 1) Del(p 2 + 1) Del(p 2 ) Nop() Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Del(p 2 ) Del(p 2 ) p 1 < p 2 p 1 = p 2 Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Del(p 2 + 1) Del(p 2 + 1) Del(p 1 ) Del(p 1 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) Ins(p 2 , c 2 ) p 1 < p 2 p 1 = p 2 Del(p 1 ) Ins(p 1 , c 1 ) Ins(p 2 − 1, c 2 ) Del(p 2 + 1) the function VerifyTP2 if IT (IT (o 3 , o 1 ), IT (o 2 , o 1 )) 6 = IT (IT (o 3 , o 2 ), IT (o 1 , o 2 )). Uppaal-Tiga concludes that the property AG T P2 cannot be forced, which means that there is no strategy to force property TP2. In other words, there is no IT function, based on classical parameters of delete and insert operations, which satisfies both TP1 and TP2. We have investigated why there is no consistent IT function based on the basic parameters of delete and insert operations. This investigation has led to isolate two symbolic pairwise scenarios which prevent from getting a consistent IT function. We report in Fig.15 and Fig.16 these two pairwise sequences named scenario 1 and scenario 2, respectively. For scenario 1, to verify TP2, the computed operational transformations are: o 21 = IT (o 2 , o 1 ) = IT (Ins(p 1 , c 2 ), o 1 ) = Ins(p 1 , c 2 ), o 12 = IT (o 1 , o 2 ) = IT (Del(p 1 ), Ins(p 1 , c 2 )) = Del(p 1 + 1), o 31 = IT (o 3 , o 1 ) = Ins(p 1 , c 3 ), o 32 = IT (o 3 , o 2 ) = Ins(p 1 + 2, c 3 ), IT (o 32 , o 12 ) = IT (Ins(p 1 + 2, c 3 ), Del(p 1 + 1)) = Ins(p 1 + 1, c 3 ) and IT (o 31 , o 21 ) = IT (Ins(p 1 , c 3 ), Ins(p 1 , c 2 )). For the last transformation, we have different possibilities (see Table 1). To satisfy TP2, we must choose IT (Ins(p 1 , c 3 ), Ins(p 1 , c 2 )) = Ins(p 1 + 1, c 3 ). For scenario 2, the computed operational transformations are: o 21 = IT (o 2 , o 1 ) = Ins(p 1 , c 2 ), o 12 = IT (o 1 , o 2 ) = Del(p 1 ), o 31 = IT (o 3 , o 1 ) = Ins(p 1 , c 3 ), o 32 = IT (o 3 , o 2 ) = Ins(p 1 , c 3 ), IT (o 32 , o 12 ) = IT (Ins(p 1 , c 3 ), Del(p 1 )) = Ins(p 1 , c 3 ) and IT (o 31 , o 21 ) = IT (Ins(p 1 , c 3 ), Ins(p 1 , c 2 )). To satisfy TP2, for the last operational transformation, we must use IT (Ins(p 1 , c 3 ), Ins(p 1 , c 2 )) = Ins(p 1 , c 3 ). Consequently, a consistent IT function, if it exists, must have additional parameters in its operation signatures. We have seen, in the previous section, different IT functions based on extending the insert signature with priority, issuer site, initial position or sets of deleted symbols before and after the position of the operation. We have reported divergent scenarios for all these IT functions. It means that the
14. On Consistency of Operational Transformation Approach 58 site 1 site 2 o 1 = Del(p ◗ 1 ) o = Ins(p 1 , c 2 ) o 2 = Ins(p 1 , c 2 ) o 1 = Del(p 1 ) o 3 = Ins(p 1 + 1, c 3 ) o 3 = Ins(p 1 + 1, c 3 ) 2 ◗ ◗ ◗ ♠ ◗ ◗ ◗ ♠♠♠♠♠ ◗ ◗ ♠ ◗ ◗ ◗ ♠♠ ◗ ( ♠♠♠ Figure 15: Scenario 1 site 1 site 2 o 1 = Del(p ❙ 1 ) o = Ins(p 1 + 1, c 2 ) o 2 = Ins(p 1 + 1, c 2 ) o 1 = Del(p 1 ) o 3 = Ins(p 1 , c 3 ) o 3 = Ins(p 1 , c 3 ) 2 ❙ ❙ ❙ ❦ ❙ ❙ ❙ ❦❦❦❦❦❦ ❙ ❙ ❦ ❙ ❦ ❙ ❙ ❙ ❦ ❙ ) ❦❦❦❦ Figure 16: Scenario 2 suggested additional parameters are not sufficient or appropriate to ensure convergence. Indeed, adding priority (as in Ellis’s IT) or owner identifier (as in Ressel’s IT) to the insert signature fails to ensure convergence for scenarios 1 and 2. Scenario 1 violates TP1 for Ellis’s IT (see Fig.8). Scenario 2 violates TP2 for Ressel’s IT (see Fig.11). For Suleiman’s IT and Imine’s IT, scenarios 1 and 2 satisfy TP1 and TP2 but the added parameters introduce other cases of divergence. 4 Conclusion In this work, we tried to answer the following question: what are all possible IT functions ensuring convergence for shared strings altered by insert and delete operations? We have first formulated the existence problem of a consistent IT function as a synthesis controller problem. As a main contribution, we have shown that only TP1 is satisfied by some IT functions based on the position and character parameters. Thus, it is impossible to meet TP2 with these simple signatures. Accordingly, the position and character parameters are necessary but not sufficient. In other words, additional parameters are needed to explore the existence of consistent IT functions. In the near future, we will follow the same framework to deal with the following issue: what are the minimal number of extra parameters to be added in order to achieve consistent IT functions? References [1] P. A. Bernstein & N. Goodman (1983): Multiversion concurrency control : theory and algorithms. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 8, pp. 465–483, doi:10.1145/319996.319998. [2] H. Boucheneb & A. Imine (2009): On Model-Checking Optimistic Replication Algorithms. FMOODS/FORTE-LNCS 5522, pp. 73–89, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02138-1 5.
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