Tricorder- Building a Program Analysis Ecosystem

1. Tricorder: Building a Program Analysis Ecosystem Caitlin Sadowski, Jeffrey van Gogh, Ciera Jaspan, Emma Söderberg, Collin Winter {supertri, jvg, ciera, emso, collinwinter} Google, Inc. Abstract—Static analysis tools help developers find bugs, im- prove code readability, and ensure consistent style across a project. However, these tools can be difficult to smoothly in- tegrate with each other and into the developer workflow, partic- ularly when scaling to large codebases. We present T RICORDER , a program analysis platform aimed at building a data-driven ecosystem around program analysis. We present a set of guiding principles for our program analysis tools and a scalable archi- tecture for an analysis platform implementing these principles. We include an empirical, in-situ evaluation of the tool as it is used by developers across Google that shows the usefulness and impact of the platform. Index Terms—program analysis, static analysis I. I NTRODUCTION Static analysis tools provide a promising way to find bugs in programs before they occur in production systems. Devel- opers can run analyzers on their source code to find issues, before even checking in the code. In spite of the rich vein of research on static analysis tools, [3], [14], [16], these tools are often not used effectively in practice. High false positive rates, confusing output, and poor integration into the devel- opers’ workflow all contribute to the lack of use in everyday development activities [23], [27]. In addition to finding bugs, tools must take into account the high demands on a developer’s time [26]. Any interruption generated by an automated tool forces a developer to context- switch away from her primary objective [27]. Successful static analysis tools add high value while minimizing the distractions for already-busy software engineers. Our past experience with static analysis tools also showed that many of them are not scalable to a codebase of Google’s size. Analyses cannot presume that they have access to the entire source repository or all the compilation results; there is simply too much data for a single machine. Therefore, analy- ses must be shardable and able to run as part of a distributed computation with only partial information. The sharded analy- sis must be extremely fast and provide results within a couple of minutes. In our previous experiences at Google, no existing analysis platform could scale in this way. We also found that existing platforms and tools were not extensible enough. Google has many specialized frameworks and languages, and an ideal system would provide static analy- ses for all of them. Our ideal system would let domain experts write their own analyses, without having to bear the cost of building or maintaining an entire end-to-end pipeline. For ex- ample, a team writing C++ libraries can write checks to make sure developers use those libraries correctly, without worry- ing about the problems inherent in running a large production system. After experimenting with a variety of commercial and open- source program analysis tools at Google (see Section II for more details), we repeatedly had problems with tool scalability or usability. Building off of these experiences, we wanted to create a static analysis platform that would: • be widely and actively used by developers to fix problems in their code, without prompting from a small group of advocates or management. • integrate smoothly into the existing developer workflow. • scale to the size of an industrial codebase. • empower developers, even non-analysis experts, to write and deploy their own static analyses. In this paper, we present T RICORDER , a program analysis platform aimed at building a data-driven ecosystem around static analysis. T RICORDER integrates static analysis into the workflow of developers at Google, provides a feedback loop between developers and analyzer writers, and simplifies fix- ing issues discovered by analysis tools. To accomplish this, T RICORDER leverages a microservices architecture to scale to Google’s codebase, and generates some 93,000 analysis results each day. A small team of 2-3 people maintain T RICORDER and the ecosystem around it, in addition to working on an open-source version of the platform [35]. T RICORDER ’s plug- in model allows contributors from teams across the company to become part of the program analysis community at Google. The contributions of this paper include: • A set of guiding principles that have resulted in a suc- cessful, widely used program analysis platform at Google. (Section III) • A scalable architecture for a program analysis plat- form. This platform builds a program analysis ecosystem through workflow integration, supporting contributors, re- sponding to feedback, and automatic fixes. (Section IV) • An empirical, in situ validation of the usefulness of the platform based upon developers’ responses to the analy- ses in their normal workflow. (Section V) II. B ACKGROUND A. Development workflow At Google, most engineers 1 work in an extremely large codebase, where most software development occurs at head. Every workday at Google, engineers perform more than 800k 1 Some exceptions to this development setup exist; for example, Chrome and Android have independent open source repositories and developer tools.
2. builds, run 100M test cases, produce 2PB of build outputs, and send 30k changelist snapshots (patch diffs) for review. A large codebase has many benefits, including ease of code reuse and the ability to do large-scale refactorings atomically. Because code reuse is common, most code depends upon a core set of libraries, and making changes to these base li- braries may impact many projects. To ensure that changes do not break other projects, Google has a strong testing culture backed by continuous testing infrastructure [43], [15]. Google engineers use a standardized, distributed build sys- tem to produce hermetic builds from source code [20]. A team of dedicated engineers maintains this infrastructure centrally, providing a common location to insert analysis tools. Because Google engineers use the same distributed build environment, they may use their choice of editor. Editor choices include, but are not limited to, Eclipse, IntelliJ, emacs, and vim [38]. As part of a strong code review culture, every new patch, called a changelist, is reviewed by someone other than the au- thor before being checked in. Engineers perform these reviews using an internal code review tool, similar to Gerrit [19]. This tool provides the ability to comment on lines of code, reply to existing comments, upload new snapshots of the code being reviewed (author), and approve the changelist (reviewer). Instead of using a separate QA process, busy engineers test (and analyze!) their own code. This means that analysis results must target engineers, and it must be easy for those engineers to run and respond to analyzers. Because most code being shipped is server code, the cost of pushing a new version is very low, making it relatively easy to fix bugs after code has shipped. B. Program analysis at Google Several attempts have been made to integrate program analysis tools into the Google development workflow. Find- Bugs [18] in particular has a long history of experimentation at Google [5], [3], [4], along with other analysis tools such as Coverity [12], Klocwork [24], and fault prediction [28]. All of these tools have largely fallen out of use due to problems with workflow integration, scaling, and false positives. Some tools displayed results too late, making developers less likely to fix problems after they had submitted their code. Others displayed results too early, while developers were still exper- imenting with their code in the editor. Editor-based tools also hit scaling problems: their latency requirements for interactive use were not able to keep up with the size of the codebase. Nearly all tools had to be run as a distinct step, and were dif- ficult to integrate with the standard compiler toolchains. We have repeatedly found that when developers have to navigate to a dashboard or run a standalone command line tool, analysis usage drops off. Even when developers ran these tools, they often produced high false positive rates and inactionable results [28]. These experiences match prior research showing why developers do not use static analysis tools [23]. In the end, very few devel- opers used any of the tools we previously experimented with, and even for the analysis that got the most traction, FindBugs, the command-line tool was used by only 35 developers in 2014 (and by 20 of those only once). We did previously show FindBugs results in code review [3], but this attempt ran into scaling problems (resulting in stale or delayed results) and produced many results developers were uninterested in ad- dressing. In contrast, T RICORDER has seen success as a part of the standard developer workflow. III. G OOGLE P HILOSOPHY ON P ROGRAM A NALYSIS A. No false positives “No” may be a bit of an overstatement, but we severely limit the number of false positives we allow analyses to produce. False positives are bad for both usability and adoption [8], [23], [33]. There is a disconnect around what exactly the term “false positive” means. To an analysis writer, a false positive is an incorrect report produced by their analysis tool. However, to a developer, a false positive is any report that they did not want to see [5]. We prefer to use the term effective false positive to cap- ture the developer’s perspective. We define an effective false positive as any report from the tool where a user chooses not to take action to resolve the report. As an example of this, some Google developers use static annotation checking sys- tems (e.g. for data race detection [34]). When an annotation checking tool correctly reports an issue, it could mean that either there is a bug in the source code (e.g. a variable is not actually protected by a lock), or that the code is actually fine but the set of annotations is not exhaustive enough for the tool. Typically, in program analysis research, the latter is not considered a false positive – the developer needs to supply additional information to the tool. However, some developers consider such issues to be “false positives” since they do not represent a bug in the code [36]. In contrast, we have found that if an analysis incorrectly re- ports a bug, but making the suggested fix would improve code readability, this is not considered a false positive. Readability and documentation analyses are frequently accepted by devel- opers, especially if they come with a suggested improvement. It is also noteworthy that some analyses may have false pos- itives in theory, but not in practice. For example, an analysis may have false positives only when a program is constructed in an unusual way, but in practice, such a program is never seen. Such an analysis might have theoretical false positives, but in an environment with a strictly-enforced style guide, it would effectively have zero false positives. The bottom line is that developers will decide whether an analysis tool has high impact, and what a false positive is. B. Empower users to contribute In a company using a diverse set of languages and cus- tom APIs, no single team has the domain knowledge to write all needed analyses. Relevant expertise and motivation exists among developers throughout the company, and we want to leverage this existing knowledge by empowering developers to contribute their own analyses. Developer contributions both
3. enrich the set of available analyses and make users more re- sponsive to analysis results. However, while these contributors are experts in their do- mains, they may not have the knowledge, or skill set, to ef- fectively integrate their analyses into the developer workflow. Ideally, workflow integration and the boilerplate needed to get an analysis up and running should not be the concern of the analysis writer. This is where T RICORDER comes in, as a pluggable program analysis platform supporting analysis contributors throughout the company. In order to keep the quality of analyzers high, we have a “contract” with analyzer writers about when we may remove their analyzer from T RICORDER . That is, we reserve the right to disable analyzers if: • No one is fixing bugs filed against the analyzer. • Resource usage (e.g. CPU/disk/memory) is affecting T RI - CORDER performance. In this case, the analyzer writer needs to start maintaining a standalone service that T RI - CORDER calls out to (see Section IV-A for more details). • The analyzer results are annoying developers (see Sec- tion IV-E for how we calculate this). Our experience is that pride-in-work combined with the threat of disabling an analyzer makes the authors highly motivated to fix problems in their analyzers. C. Make data-driven usability improvements Responding to feedback is important. Developers build trust with analysis tools, and this trust is quickly lost if they do not understand the tool’s output [8]. We also have found (by ex- amining bug reports filed against analyzers) that many analysis results have confusingly worded messages; this is typically an easy problem to fix. For instance, for one analyzer 75% of all bugs filed against the tool from T RICORDER were due to misinterpretations of the result wording and were fixed by up- dating the message text and/or linking to additional documen- tation. Establishing a feedback loop to improve the usability of analysis results significantly increases the utility of analysis tools. D. Workflow integration is key Integration into developer workflow is a key aspect in mak- ing program analysis tools effective [23]. If an analysis tool is a standalone binary that developers are expected to run, it just will not be run as frequently as intended. We posit that analy- ses should be automatically triggered by developer events such as editing code, running a build, creating/updating a changelist, or submitting a changelist. Analysis results should be shown before code is checked in, because the tradeoffs are different when an engineer has to modify (potentially working) sub- mitted code. As one example of this, we surveyed developers when sending them changelists to fix an error in their code we were planning to turn on as a compiler error, and also when they encountered those errors as compiler errors. Developers were twice as likely to say the error represented a significant bug when encountered as a compiler error. The importance of showing results early matches previous experience with Find- Bugs [3]. When possible, we integrate static analysis into the build [2]. We support a variety of analyses built on top of the ErrorProne javac extension [17] and the Clang compiler [10]. These anal- yses break the build when they find an issue, so the effective false positive rate must be essentially zero. They also cannot significantly slow down compiles, so must have < 5% over- head. Ideally, we only show results that cause builds to fail, as we have found warnings shown when building are often ignored. However, build integration is not always practical, e.g. when the false positive rate is too high, the analysis is too time consuming, or it is only worthwhile to show results on newly edited lines of code. T RICORDER introduces an effective place to show warn- ings. Given that all developers at Google use code review tools before submitting changes, T RICORDER ’s primary use is to provide analysis results at code review time. This has the added benefit of enabling peer accountability, where the reviewer will see if the author chose to ignore analysis results. We still enforce a very low effective false positive rate here (< 10%). Additionally, we only display results for most analyses on changed lines by default; this keeps analysis results rele- vant to the code review at hand. 2 Analyses done at code review time can take longer than analyses that break the build, but the results must be available before the review is over. The mean time for a review of more than one line is greater than 1 hour; we typically expect analyses to complete in less than 5 − 10 minutes (ideally much less), as developers may be waiting for results. There are other potential integration points for program analysis. Many IDEs include a variety of static analyses. How- ever, most Google developers do not use IDEs, or do not use IDEs for all tasks [38] – making IDE-only integration unten- able. Still, IDE-integration is not precluded as an IDE can issue RPCs to the T RICORDER service. We also leverage testing to run dynamic analysis tools such as ThreadSanitizer [39], [40] or AddressSanitizer [1]. These tools typically have no false positives and < 10x slowdowns. T RICORDER also shows nightly results from some analyses in Google’s code search tool as an optional layer. While most developers do not use this feature, it is effective for analyses that have higher false positive rates and have a dedicated cleanup team to sift through the results. E. Project customization, not user customization Past experiences at Google showed that allowing user- specific customization caused discrepancies within and across teams, and resulted in declining usage of tools. We observed teams where a developer abandons a tool they were initially using after discovering teammates were committing new in- stances of code containing warnings flagged by the tool. We 2 We do show some analyses on all lines by default; as an example, warnings about unused variables can occur on an unchanged line when the block of code using the variable is deleted by the changelist. Developers have the option of also viewing results for unchanged lines during a review if they want to.
4. have worked to eliminate per-user customization of analysis results. To achieve this, we got rid of all priority or severity ratings for analysis results. Instead, we try to only show high prior- ity/severity results, and we improve our analysis tools when results are flagged as not important. In cases where there was some debate as to whether an analysis had useful results, we made the analysis optional. Developers still have the ability to explicitly trigger optional analyzers, but they will not run by default. Getting rid of priority ratings had several benefits: • We were able to remove or improve low-priority checks that had little benefit. • Instead of having developers filter out analyzer results, we started getting bug reports about broken analyzers. For example, we discovered that the C++ linter was also linting Objective-C files and fixed this issue; previously Objective-C developers had just hidden all linter results. • We dramatically reduced complaints about why certain results appeared, or why different views were inconsis- tent. We do allow limited customization, but the customization is project-based rather than user based. For example, a team can choose to run optional analyses by default on all of their code. We also disable analyzers where they do not apply; for example, we don’t run code style checkers on third-party open source code with different code conventions. IV. I MPLEMENTATION A. Architecture To efficiently serve analysis results on changelist creation and editing, T RICORDER leverages a microservices architec- ture [29]. Thinking in terms of services creates a mindset that encourages scalability and modularity. In addition, T RI - CORDER is designed with the assumption that parts of the system will go down, which means analysis workers are de- signed to be replicated and stateless in order to make the sys- tem robust and scalable. Analysis results appear in code review as robot comments (robocomments for short), using the code review tool’s commenting system. Analysis services implement the same API (Section IV-B). This API is defined with protocol buffers [31] as a multi- language serialization protocol, and uses a Google-specific RPC library for communication. T RICORDER includes a se- ries of analyzer worker services written in different lan- guages (Java, C++, Python and Go) implementing this com- mon language-agnostic protocol buffer API. These services provide a language-specific interface for analyzers to imple- ment that abstract away details of handling RPCs; analysis writers can implement analyzers in the language that makes the most sense. T RICORDER also includes compiler-specific analyzer services providing a way to plug into jscompiler, javac, and Clang. We additionally have a binary multiplexor Linter Worker service supporting linters written in arbitrary languages. T RICORDER has three stages at which it calls out to anal- ysis services; each stage has successively more information. Changelist Snapshot Notifier Dependencies Service Build Service Analysis Driver Snapshot Listener Targets Listener Build Listener DEPS FILES Codereview COMPILATION Java Analyzer Worker C++ Analyzer Worker go Analyzer Worker Python Analyzer Worker javac Analyzer Worker Clang Analyzer Worker jscompiler Analyzer Worker Linter Worker Fig. 1: Overview of the T RICORDER architecture. Solid boxes correspond to microservices running as jobs and dashed boxes distinguish separate parts of a job. Solid arrows corre- spond to RPCs being sent within T RICORDER , while dashed edges refer to RPC to external systems and services. At the FILES stage, analyzers can access the contents of files that make up the change. For example, linters that check prop- erties like "line is over 80 characters" can run at this stage. At the DEPS (short for build dependencies) stage, analyzers additionally know a list of all the build targets that are af- fected by the change. For example, an analyzer that reports when a large number of targets are affected can be run at this stage. Finally, at the COMPILATION stage, analyzers have access to the complete AST for the entire program with fully resolved types and implicit expressions. Dividing the analyses into multiple stages has several practical benefits: • We can provide faster results for analyses at earlier stages, since they do not need to wait for a build. • We can decrease resource usage by rate limiting analyses at costlier stages. • Problems with infrastructure we depend on (such as the build service) will not affect analyses from earlier stages. The overall architecture of T RICORDER is depicted in Fig- ure 1. The main loop of T RICORDER happens in the Analysis Driver. The driver calls out to language- or compiler-specific Analyzer Workers to run the analyses, then sends results as comments to the code review system. In each worker, incom- ing analysis requests are dispatched to a set of analyzers. In addition, analysis writers can choose to implement their own standalone service with the analyzer worker API. The analysis driver is divided into separate sections for the different stages of the pipeline: the Snapshot Listener sends requests to FILES analyzers, the Targets Listener sends requests to DEPS analyz- ers, and the Build Listener sends requests to COMPILATION analyzers. The process is as follows:
5. 1) When a new changelist snapshot is generated, the changelist snapshot notifier signals to T RICORDER (via a publisher/subscriber model) that there is a new snap- shot. This message contains metadata about the snapshot (such as the author, changelist description, and list of files), and a source context (repository name, revision, etc) that can be used to both read the edited files inside the change and post robot comments about the change later. When T RICORDER receives a snapshot notifica- tion, it fires off several asynchronous calls: • T RICORDER sends analyze requests to the FILES analyzers. When it receives results, it forwards the results to the code review system. • T RICORDER makes a request to the dependencies service to calculate which build targets are affected by the change. 3 2) The Dependencies Service notifies T RICORDER when it has finished calculating the dependencies, and T RI - CORDER makes the following asynchronous calls: • T RICORDER sends analyze requests to the DEPS an- alyzers, complete with the list of dependencies tran- sitively affected by the change. When T RICORDER receives analysis results, it forwards them to the code review service. • T RICORDER requests that the Build Service starts a build of all targets directly affected by the change. 3) The build service notifies T RICORDER as each inde- pendent compilation unit is built. The builds are instru- mented to capture all inputs needed for each compiler invocation in all supported languages. This set of in- puts (e.g. jar files, compiler arguments, headers, etc) is preserved for later use by analyzers. When a message arrives that signals a finished compi- lation unit, T RICORDER sends RPCs to the COMPILA- TION analyzers. The compiler-specific workers replay the compilation (using the inputs generated during the build) with analysis passes added. COMPILATION ana- lyzers have access to the AST and all other information provided by the compiler. When T RICORDER receives results from the analyzers, they are forwarded to the code review service. The use of asynchronous communication allows T RI - CORDER to make more efficient use of its machine resources. Earlier analyses can run in parallel to running a build, and the compilation units are all analyzed in parallel as well. Even the slowest analyses provide results within a few minutes. B. Plug-in model T RICORDER supports a plug-in model across languages. Analyzers may be written in any language; currently C++, Java, Python, and Go have the best support. Analyzers may analyze any language, and there are even a variety of analyzers 3 Since the Google codebase is quite large, and projects may have far reach- ing dependencies, this is important to calculate. For smaller codebases, this stage can likely be skipped in favor of building the entire project. focused on the development process and not a programming language (Section IV-C). All analyzer services implement the Analyzer RPC API. Most analyzers are running as part of one of the Analyzer Workers and implement a language-specific interface. Each analyzer must support the following operations: 1) GetCategory returns the set of categories produced by that analyzer. The category of an analyzer is a unique human-readable name displayed as part of the robocom- ments it produces. 2) GetStage returns the stage in which this analyzer should run. 3) Analyze takes in information about the change and re- turns a list of Notes. Notes contain key information about the analysis result includ- ing: • The category (and optionally subcategory) of the analysis result. • The location of the analysis result in the code, e.g. file and range (line/column) within that file. • The error message. • A URL with more detailed information about the analyzer and/or the message. • An ordered list of fixes. The Notes produced are then posted to Google’s internal code review tool as robocomments. Since the structured output is flexible, they may also be used in additional contexts (such as when browsing source code). A more detailed look at this API is available in the open-source version of Tricorder, Ship- shape [35]. Shipshape has a different architecture to support the needs of open-source projects, but the API and design was heavily influenced by T RICORDER . C. Analyzers Figure 2 shows a selection of 16 analyzers currently run- ning in T RICORDER (there are currently about 30, with more coming online every month). Six of the analyzers in this table are themselves frameworks. For example, ErrorProne [17] and ClangTidy [11] both find bug patterns based on AST matching for Java and C++ pro- grams, respectively. They each have a variety of individual checks enabled, each implemented as a plugin. Another ex- ample is the Linter analyzer. This analyzer is comprised of more than 35 individual linters, all called via a linter binary multiplexor. Linters can be implemented in any language. The multiplexor uses a configuration file to determine which linter to send a particular file to (based on the file extension and path) and how to parse linter output (via a regex). The linter ana- lyzer includes Google-configured versions of popular external linters such as the Java Checkstyle linter [9] and the Pylint Python linter [32], as well as many custom internal linters. Several T RICORDER analyzers (7 currently) are domain- specific; they are targeted at only a portion of the code 4 The AffectedTargets and Builder analyzers are informational, and so do not have a "Please fix" option.
6. Analyzer Description Stage Impl. Lang. Analyzed Lang. AffectedTargets AndoidLint AutoRefaster BuildDeprecation How many targets are affected Scans android projects for likely bugs Implementation of Refaster [42] Identify deprecated build targets DEPS COMP. COMP. DEPS Java Java Java Java Builder ClangTidy DocComments ErrorProne Formatter Golint Govet JavacWarnings Checks if a changelist builds Bug patterns based on AST matching Errors in javadoc Bug patterns based on AST matching Errors in Java format strings Style checks for go programs Suspicious constructs in go programs Curated set of warnings from javac Warnings produced by jscompiler Style issues in code Unused variable detection Flag unused dependencies COMP. COMP. COMP. COMP. COMP. FILES FILES COMP. COMP. FILES COMP. COMP. Java C++ Java Java Java Go Go Java Java All Java All Android Java Build files All C++ Java Java Java Go Go Java Javascript All Java Build files JscompilerWarnings Linter Unused UnusedDeps Java # of Plugins >60 >30 >80 >35 Avg. Results / day 440 57 122 1689 P LEASE F IX Users - 4 109 3630 1890 N OT U SEFUL Users 13 71 670 381 4927 4908 1121 80 6 1711 101 288 876 79079 606 1419 - 4 5823 3694 2638 561 1528 754 1631 733 18675 5904 5018 491 1823 954 206 35 486 156 152 338 8316 833 986 Fig. 2: 16 of 30 analyzers run in T RICORDER . The fourth and fifth columns report the implmenentation language and the target language, respectively. The sixth column reports the number of plugins for analyzers providing an internal plugin mechanism. The seventh column shows the average number of results per day. The final two columns report the number of unique users who clicked on either P LEASE F IX or N OT U SEFUL (see Section IV-E) in the year 2014. base. This includes AndroidLint, which finds both bugs and style violations specifically in Android projects, as well as validators for several project-specific configuration schemas. Several other analyzers (another 7) are about metadata rele- vant to the changelist. For example, one analyzer warns if a changelist needs to be merged with head, while another warns if a changelist will transitively affect a large percentage of Google’s code. To decide whether an analyzer makes sense to include in T RICORDER , we have criteria for new analyzers, drawn from our experience and philosophy on static analysis (Section III): 1) The warning should be easy to understand and the fix should be clear. The problem should be obvious and actionable when pointed out. For example, cyclomatic complexity or location-based fault prediction does not meet this bar. 2) The warning should have very few false positives. Developers should feel that we are pointing out an actual issue at least 90% of the time. 5 To measure this, we run analyzers on existing code and manually check a statistically sound sample size of the results. 3) The warning should be for something that has the potential for significant impact. We want the warnings to be important enough so that when developers see them they take them seriously and often choose to fix them. To determine this, language-focused analyzers are vetted by language experts. 5 This 10% false positive threshold matches that used by other analysis platforms such as Coverity [13]. 4) The warning should occur with a small but notice- able frequency. There is no point in detecting warnings that never actually occur, but if a warning occurs too frequently, it’s likely that it’s not causing any real prob- lems. We don’t want to overwhelm people with too many warnings. Analysis developers can try out new analyses on a small set of whitelisted users first who have volunteered to view experi- mental results. Some analyses can also be run in a MapReduce over all existing code to check false positive rates before being deployed. D. Fixes Two common issues with analysis tools are that they may not produce actionable results, and that it takes effort for busy developers to fix the issues highlighted. To address these prob- lems, we encourage analysis writers to provide fixes with their analysis results. These fixes can be both viewed and applied from within the code review tool. Figure 3 shows an example comment produced by T RICORDER . The fix is visible after clicking the “show” link (Figure 4). Note that the fixes here are not tied to a particular IDE, they are part of each analysis and are language-agnostic. Having analyzers supply fixes has several benefits: fixes can provide additional clarification for analysis results, being able to apply the fix directly means that dealing with analysis results does not entail changing context, and tool-provided fixes lower the bar to fixing issues in code. In order to apply fixes, we leverage the availability of a sys- tem that makes the content of a changelist available for edits. That is, edits, like applying fixes, can be made directly to the
7. Fig. 4: Screenshot of the preview fix view for the ErrorProne warning from Figure 3 lyzer on probation, and the analysis writer must show progress toward addressing the issue. If the rate goes above 25%, we may decide to turn the analyzer off immediately. In practice, we typically work with the analyzer writers to fix the problem instead of immediately disabling an analyzer. Some analyzers only affect a small percentage of developers and so we are not as concerned about a temporary increase in false positives. Nonetheless, having a policy in place has proven invaluable in making expectations clear with analyzer writers. V. R ESULTS Fig. 3: Screenshot of analysis results; changelist reviewer view. In this case there are two results: one from the Java Lint tool (configured version of checkstyle [9]), and one from ErrorProne [17]. Reviewers can click on the N OT U SEFUL link if they have a problem with the analysis results. They can also click on P LEASE F IX to indicate that the author should fix the result. They can also view the attached fix (Figure 4). code in the changelist and the changed code will appear in the workspace of the changelist owner. To implement something similar with Gerrit, one could leverage existing APIs to apply fixes as a patch to the code under review. E. Feedback In order to respond quickly to issues with analyzers, we have built in a feedback mechanism that tracks how developers interact with the robocomments T RICORDER generates in code reviews. As seen in Figure 3 and Figure 4, there are four links that developers can click: • N OT U SEFUL gives the developers the opportunity to file a bug about the robocomment. • P LEASE F IX creates a review comment asking the author to fix the robocomment and is only available to reviewers. • P REVIEW F IX (“show” in Figure 3) shows a diff view of the suggested fix and is available when a robocomment comes with a fix. • A PPLY F IX (“Apply” in Figure 4) applies the suggested fix to the code and is available only to authors when a robocomment comes with a fix. This option can only be seen after using P REVIEW F IX . We define the “not-useful rate” of an analyzer as: N OT U SEFUL /(N OT U SEFUL + P LEASE F IX + A PPLY F IX ) Analysis writers are expected to check these numbers through a dashboard we provide. A rate ≥ 10% puts the ana- a) Usability: We measure the usability of T RICORDER through the not-useful click rates and numbers of clicks of each type, both for T RICORDER as a whole and for specific analyzers. Figure 2 shows that developers actively engage with the analyses through clicks. Figure 2 lists the number of unique users in 2014 who clicked on either P LEASE F IX or N OT U SEFUL at least once for each analyzer. As can be seen, the Linter has received P LEASE F IX clicks from over 18K users in 2014. The number of people who have ever clicked N OT U SEFUL is substantially lower across all categories. Our click rates show that developers are generally happy with the results from the static analysis tools. Figure 5 shows the week-over-week across all of the T RICORDER analyzers; in recent months it is typically at around 5%. When we re- move analyzers that are on probation, the number goes down to under 4%. Figure 6 shows a comparison of the not-useful rates for sev- eral Java analyzers. The Checkstyle, ErrorProne, and Unused- Deps analyses are all fairly stable and have a low not-useful rate; the data for ErrorProne has more variance due to the fewer number of findings that it produces. DocComments is more interesting; this analyzer was initially on probation and the developer worked to get the not-useful rate under 10%. However, there was a bug introduced in week 24, which re- sulted in a sharp increase in N OT U SEFUL clicks. The devel- oper was able to use our provided bug reports and click logs to identify the source of the problem, the fix was finally released in week 33. Analysis writers can also investigate the raw numbers of clicks each week. Figure 7 shows the breakdown for the type of clicks for the ErrorProne analysis. It is interesting to note how correlated P LEASE F IX is with P REVIEW F IX ; we hy-
8. 0 10 20 30 40 50 40 50 40 50 40 50 ● ● ● ● ● ● ●●● ● ●● ●● ● (a) Checkstyle 0.50 Tricorder Tricorder, no probations Probationary Only ● ●●● ●●● ● ●●●●● ● ●● ●●●● ●●● ●●● ●● ●●●● ●● ●● ● 0 10 20 30 50 Week 0 10 20 30 (c) ErrorProne pothesize that many times, a reviewer clicks P LEASE F IX , and then the author clicks P REVIEW F IX to see what the problem was. The A PPLY F IX clicks are much lower. Based on devel- oper observations, we hypothesize that many authors choose to fix the code in their own editor rather than use the code review tool for this purpose, especially if they are already addressing other reviewer comments in their editor. Notice that providing a fix has two purposes; one is to make it easy for developers to apply the fix, but the other is as a further explanation of an analysis result. Clicks are an imperfect measure of analyzer quality: • Many developers report fixing issues before their reviewer sees them, so P LEASE F IX counts are known to be low. • Many developers report fixing issues in their own editor, rather than via A PPLY F IX , so those counts are also low. • Developers may ignore findings they do not plan to fix, rather than clicking N OT U SEFUL . This may be a signal only of how strongly the developer feels about the issue. • Developers may click on N OT U SEFUL by accident. Despite these drawbacks, clicks have been a good signal for “developer annoyance”. Our most successful analyzers have not-useful rate between 0-3%. When a developer clicks on N OT U SEFUL , a link appears to file a bug in our issue tracking system against the project responsible for that analyzer; the bug is pre-populated with all the necessary information about the robocomment and gives the developer an opportunity to comment on why they clicked N OT U SEFUL . The rate of filing bugs per N OT U SEFUL clicks is between 10-60%, depending on the analyzer. b) Codebase Impact: T RICORDER reduces the number Fig. 5: Not useful click rate for all of T RICORDER , by week for 2014. The probationary analyzers are have either been turned off for having a high not useful rate, or are being actively improved upon. While the probationary analyzers have a high rate, there are few enough of them relative to the rest of the analyzers that they have only minor effect on the total rate. 40 30 20 10 0 (b) DocComments 0 10 20 30 (d) UnusedDeps Fig. 6: Weekly not-useful rate for a selection of Java-based analyzers in 2014. of instances of violations in the codebase over time. For the ClangTidy analyzer, we are able to see that showing re- sults in code review not only prevents new problems from entering the codebase, but also decreases the total num- ber of problems as people learn about the new check. Fig- ure 8 shows the number of occurrences of the ClangTidy misc-redundant-smartptr-get check per week; this check identifies cases where there is an unneeded “.get()” call on a smart pointer. The vertical line is when this check began being shown in T RICORDER . After adding the check to T RI - CORDER the number of instances in the codebase decreased dramatically as developers recognized the inappropriate cod- ing pattern, stopped making such mistakes in new code, and fixed existing occurrences elsewhere in the code. Figure 8 also shows a sampling of trend lines for other ClangTidy fixes; they all show a similar pattern of drop-off or level-off after the check is enabled in T RICORDER . The checks which only level-off are typically checks with more complicated, non-local fixes. c) Pluggability: T RICORDER is easy to plug into. We
9. T RICORDER runs/day Findings/day Builds/day Analyzer runs/day Files/CL Languages/CL Findings/CL “Please fix”/CL “Not useful”/CL “Please fix”/day “Not useful”/day 250 not_useful_clicks please_fix_clicks preview_fix_clicks apply_fix_clicks Average 31K 93K 4K 81K 12 1 14 2 0.14 716 48 Median 38K 127K 6K 93K 1 1 1 1 0 907 52 Max 66K 183K 9K 208K 333K 22 5K 81 20 1786 123 Fig. 9: Scalability numbers for T RICORDER , in terms of per day or per changelist (CL), collected over 90 days. 0 10 20 30 40 50 Week Fig. 7: Weekly clicks, by type, for the ErrorProne analyzer. 5 10 15 20 Week Fig. 8: Instances in the codebase of violations of several ClangTidy checks. The large graph shows the number of vio- lations in the codebase of the check misc-redundant-smartptr- get, the smaller graphs show similar trends for other ClangTidy Checks. evaluate this by demonstrating that a variety of analyses have successfully plugged in. As discussed in Section IV-C, more than 30 different analyses are running in T RICORDER . Figure 2 shows a selection of 16 T RICORDER analyzers; these analyz- ers span a breadth of languages and problems highlighted. 13 of the 16 analyzers in this table (all except Formatter, Build- Deprecation, Builder) were contributed by members of more than 10 other teams. Many additional developers contributed plug-ins to analyzers such as ErrorProne, ClangTidy, or the Linter. d) Scalability: T RICORDER scales to a very large code- base. To evaluate this, we are running T RICORDER against all changelist snapshots produced each day at Google. Figure 9 shows the average, median, and max counts of several scaling metrics for T RICORDER . On an average day we run T RICORDER on 31K snapshots, each with an average size of 12 files, and we report findings for several categories and languages. In contrast, ReviewBot [7] was evaluated on 34 review requests (corresponding to change lists), compared to the millions we have used to evaluate T RI - CORDER . On average, each snapshot contains files from one language, with a max of 22 languages. In total for one day, we report an average of 93K findings for around 30 categories. T RICORDER also runs close to 5K builds per day. Each day, re- viewers click P LEASE F IX on an average of 716 findings (416 from the Linters), but only 48 findings get a not-useful click. An average CL has two please-fix clicks and no not-useful clicks. Even though we are producing considerably more find- ings than are clicked on, most are not actually shown in the review as they appear on unchanged lines. 6 VI. R ELATED W ORK A previous study investigated why developers do not use static analysis tools to find bugs, collecting results from in- terviews with 20 developers [23]. Many of the conclusions of this study match our experiences with experimenting with var- ious program analysis tools. T RICORDER addresses the main pain points identified by this study. For example, T RICORDER continuously ensures that tool output improves and results are understandable by maintaining a tight feedback loop. T RI - CORDER also enables collaboration around the tool results by code review integration; reviewers can suggest or com- ment on static analysis results. This study also highlighted the importance of workflow integration, a main design point of T RICORDER . There is a wide breadth of research on static analysis tools; we can only describe a portion of the existing tools here. FindBugs [18] is a heuristic-based bug finding tool that runs on Java bytecode. Coverity [12], Klocwork [24], and Semmle [37], [14] are commercial tools focused on static analysis. Linting tools such as Checkstyle (java) and Pylint (Python) are primarily focused on style issues (spacing, where to break lines, etc) [9], [32]. Analysis results, along with quick-fixes, are also often sur- faced in IDEs such as Eclipse [41] and Intellij [22]. We could 6 Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to measure how many results are viewed by developers.
10. surface T RICORDER results here too by calling out to our ser- vice from within the IDE. Many commercial tools also show results in a dashboard format [12], [37], [24]; while we do have dashboards, we found that this was only useful for anal- ysis writers to help them improve the quality of the analyzers. Other large companies, such as Microsoft are actively exper- imenting with ways to integrate static analysis into developer workflow [25]. Ebay has developed methods for evaluating and comparing the value of different static analysis tools un- der experimentation [21]. IBM has also experimented with a service-based approach to static analysis [30]. This work was evaluated through a pilot and surveys with several teams at IBM, and they identified several areas for improvement. T RI - CORDER addresses each of these improvements: it is integrated into the developer workflow (instead of running in a batch mode), it is pluggable and supports analyses written by other teams, and it includes a feedback loop to analysis writers to improve the platform and analyzers. One previously published system, called ReviewBot, showed static analysis results in code review [6], [7]. Re- viewBot differs from T RICORDER in that reviewers have to explicitly call ReviewBot, analysis results are not shown to reviewers, only three (Java) static analysis tools are currently supported. ReviewBot also added the ability to provide fixes; this fix system is completely decoupled from the analysis re- sults themselves. In contrast, T RICORDER fixes are produced by analyzers, and our mechanism for applying fixes (from structured analysis results) is language-agnostic. Unlike prior work, we evaluated T RICORDER during the developer workflow, not as a survey of results generated and seen by developers outside of their work environment. This evaluation style allows us to see how developers react in prac- tice, rather than in a lab setting. VII. D ISCUSSION T RICORDER has been deployed in production since July 2013. Through implementing, launching and monitoring T RI - CORDER , we have learned several interesting things about how to make program analysis work. In Section III, we outlined our philosophy both in terms of goals for our system and lessons learned from past experiences. We now revisit our goals and the presented evaluation. Make data-driven usability improvements. In the end, de- velopers will decide whether an analysis tool has high impact and what they consider a false positive to be. Developers do not like false positives. This is why it is important to listen to feedback from developers and to act on it. An average of 93K findings per day receive an average of 716 P LEASE F IX and 48 N OT U SEFUL clicks. We pay close attention to these clicks, and if needed we put analyzers on probation. We dis- cuss improvements with analyzer writers and encourage them to improve their analyzer – an improvement that may be as simple as updating the wording of results. Empower users to contribute. T RICORDER does this by providing a pluggable framework which enables developers to easily contribute analyses within their area of expertise. In fact, the majority of all analyses running in T RICORDER are analyses contributed by developers outside the team managing T RICORDER itself. Workflow integration is key. As with a previously pre- sented tool from VMWare [7], we have found that code re- view is an excellent time to show analysis results. Devel- opers receive feedback before changes are checked in, and the mechanism for displaying analysis results is uniform – no matter which IDE or development environment was previously used. There is also peer accountability as reviewers can see and respond to analysis results; reviewers click P LEASE F IX an average of 5117 times each week. Project customization, not user customization. Based on experience, we have found that customization at project level is most successful, compared to customization down to user level. This provides flexibility so that teams of developers can have a joint approach to how the code for a project should be developed, and avoids disagreements about analysis results between developers which may lead to results being ignored. In addition to the above, some things should be mentioned about sophistication, scalability and fixes. All of the checks described in Figure 2 are relatively simple. We are not using any control or data-flow information, pointer analysis, whole- program analysis, abstract interpretation, or other similar tech- niques. Nonetheless, they find real problems for developers and provide a good payoff. That is, there is big impact for relatively simple checks. 7 In general, we have been more successful with analyses that provide a suggested fix. Analy- sis tools should fix bugs, not just find them. There is less confusion about how to address the problem, and the abil- ity to automatically apply a fix provided by the tool reduces the need for context switches. Finally, to ensure analyses can run even at Google’s scale, program analysis tools should be shardable. Think about an analysis tool as something to map-reduce across large sets of programs. Final thoughts. In this paper, we presented a static analysis platform, but also our philosophy on how to create such a plat- form. It is our goal to encourage analysis writers to consider this philosophy when creating new tools and all the tradeoffs of their tool, not just the technically-defined false positive rate or the speed of the analysis. We also encourage other compa- nies, even if they have tried program analysis tools before, to try again with this philosophy in mind. While we also failed to use static analysis tools widely for many years, there is a large payoff for finally getting it right. VIII. A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to all the Google developers that contributed to make Tricorder a reality, including Alex Eagle, Eddie Af- tandilian, Ambrose Feinstein, Alexander Kornienko, and Mark Knichel, and to all the analyzer writers that continue to ensure the platform is successful. 7 To be clear, we believe more sophisticated static analysis results are also worthwhile (these are typically over-represented in the literature on program analysis).
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