
1. English Alphabetic Code with the International Phonetic Alphabet The English language has a fascinating history – but this has resulted in a complex alphabetic code for the writing system whereby the 26 letters of the alphabet represent the 44 or so smallest sounds identifiable in English speech in three complicated ways: 1. one sound (phoneme) can be represented by one, two, three or four letters : e.g. /a/ a in apple, /f/ ph in photograph, /igh/ igh in night, /oa/ ough in dough 2. one sound can be represented by multiple spelling alternatives (graphemes): e.g. /oa/: o, oa, ow, oe, o-e, eau, ough 3. one grapheme (letter or letter group) can represent multiple sounds : e.g. ‘ough’: /oa/ though, /or/ thought, long /oo/ through, /ou/ plough, /u/ thorough On this Alphabetic Code Chart, the units of sound (phonemes or combined phonemes) are shown in slash marks. Vowel sounds are shown in red and consonant sounds are shown in blue. The vowel sounds provide the main volume and depth in spoken words whereas the consonant sounds are generally much quieter and sometimes very high-pitched such as /s/ and /t/. Teachers need to teach the separate units of sounds carefully, avoiding the added ‘schwa’ or “uh” sound: e.g. “sss” not “suh”; “t” not “tuh”. units of sound + IPA symbols simple code key words /a/ a /æ/ /e/ /ɛ/ /i/ /ɪ/ /o/ /ɒ/ /u/ /ʌ/ /ai/ /eɪ/ complex code + key words graphemes or spelling alternatives which are code for the sounds The Synthetic Phonics Teaching Principles apple e -ea -ai egg head said again i -y insect cymbals o wa qua alt watch qualify salt u o -ou -ough umbrella son touch thoroughfare ai -ay a -ae a-e first aid tray table sundae cakes -ey -ea eigh -aigh prey break eight straight octopus information Teach the KNOWLEDGE of the alphabetic code ; that is, the letter/s-sound correspondences. Teach the THREE CORE SKILLS: 1. DECODING: Sound out and blend all-through-the-printed-word for reading unknown words. Copyright Debbie Hepplewhite 2013 2. ENCODING: Orally segment (identify) the sounds all-through-the- spoken-word for spelling; then select the correct graphemes AS CODE FOR the identified sounds in that particular word. 3. HANDWRITING: Hold the pencil with the tripod grip and form correctly the 26 upper case and 26 lower case letters on writing lines. Page 1 of 6
2. /ee/ ee ea e e-e eel eat emu concrete -ey -ie -ine key chief sardines -y -ey -ie sunny monkey movie -igh -ie i -y i-e ei night tie behind fly bike eider duck oa ow o -oe o-e oak tree bow yo-yo oboe rope /i:/ between /i and ee/ /igh/ /aɪ/ /oa/ -ough -eau /əʊ/ /y + oo/ /j/ + /u:/ short /oo/ /ʊ/ long /oo/ dough plateau -ue u u-e ew eu barbecue unicorn tube new pneumatic -oo -oul -u book should push oo -ue u-e -ew -ui moon blue flute crew fruit -ou -o -ough soup move through /u:/ /oi/ /ɔɪ/ Teach a simple code ( basic or transparent ) first; that is, mainly one spelling for each sound at a rate of two to five letter/s-sound correspondences per week. The simple code is part of the complex code – a first step towards teaching the alphabetic code. oi oy ointment toy Copyright Debbie Hepplewhite 2013 Keep the simple code revised and begin to introduce spelling and pronunciation alternatives of the complex code ( extended , advanced or opaque code ) at a rate appropriate to the age, stage and ability of the learners. APPLICATION Provide a cumulative bank of words, sentences and texts at code level: 1. to model blending, segmenting for spelling, and handwriting 2. for each learner to practise his or her growing skills of blending, segmenting and handwriting increasingly independently. Provide cumulative, decodable reading books at code level. ‘Two-pronged’ teaching approach Teach a systematic, planned synthetic phonics programme alongside incidental teaching of any letter/s-sound correspondences as required for differentiation, wider reading and spelling and for the wider curriculum - for individuals, groups and whole classes. Page 2 of 6
3. /ou/ /aʊ/ /ar/ /ɑ:/ /or/ /ɔ:/ ou ow -ough ouch ! owl plough ar a alm -alf -alves artist father palm half calves or oar -oor ore -our fork oars door snore four aw au -al dawn sauce chalk war quar wardrobe quarter augh ough caught thought /aw/ or dependent upon regional or national accents /ur/ or /er/ /ɜ:/ er ir ur ear wor mermaid birthday nurse earth world ‘schwa /er/’ or ‘schwa /u/’ -er -our -re -ar -or mixer humour theatre collar sailor air -are -ear -ere hair hare bear where eer ear -ere -ier deer ears adhere cashier -oor -ure poor sure /ə/ /air/ /ɛə/ /eer/ /ɪə/ /oor/ /ʊə/ /y + oor/ /j/ + /ʊə/ -ure Accents Teaching the English alphabetic code is not an ‘exact science’ and accents need to be taken into account at all times along with the notion of ‘tweaking’ (modifying) pronunciation when decoding to reach the correct target word or preferred pronunciation. Schwa effect for reading Modifying pronunciation also helps to raise awareness of the schwa effect (unstressed syllables) whereby, in reality, a sound close to /u/ is the spoken translation of the written code in words such as ‘sofa’ (sofu), ‘faster’ (fastu), ‘little’ (littul), ‘around’ (uround). This is common. Schwa effect for spelling Be aware of the schwa effect when segmenting spoken words for spelling. The ability to spell accurately relies on a growing awareness of spelling alternatives and knowledge of spelling word banks (words with the same spelling and sound). This knowledge takes much longer to acquire. Emphasise the process for spelling of SOUND-TO-PRINT rather than relying on visual memory and recall of letter order and letter names. Decoding is the reverse process: PRINT-TO-SOUND. pure Copyright Debbie Hepplewhite 2013 Page 3 of 6
4. units of sound + IPA symbols simple code key words /b/ b -bb bu bat rabbit building k c -ck ch qu que kit cat duck chameleon bouquet plaque d -dd -ed dig puddle rained f -ff ph -gh feathers cliff photograph laugh g -gg gu gh -gue girl juggle guitar ghost catalogue h wh hat who j -ge ge gi gy -dge jug cabbage gerbil giraffe gymnast fridge l -ll ladder shell -le -il -al -el kettle pencil hospital camel m -mm -me -mb -mn map hammer welcome thumb columns /b/ /k/ /k/ /d/ /d/ /f/ /f/ /g/ /g/ /h/ /h/ /j/ /dʒ/ /l/ /l/ /u + l/ /əl/ /m/ /m/ complex code + key words graphemes or spelling alternatives which are code for the sounds information The notion of a ‘code’ Root all the teaching for decoding and encoding in the CODE - that is, the relationship between the sounds of speech and their spelling alternatives (the graphemes). This means avoiding the following ideas: *that letters ‘say’ sounds - they say nothing, they simply prompt us to generate the sounds either ‘aloud’ or silently ‘in our heads’ Copyright Debbie Hepplewhite 2013 *that there are ‘silent’ letters as in ‘kn’, ‘wr’, ‘mb’, ‘gn’ and so on – these are simply further graphemes which ARE CODE FOR the sounds – this is consistent, for example, with saying that the grapheme ‘igh’ is code for the /igh/ sound (we don’t suggest that ‘gh’ are ‘silent letters’ in the grapheme ‘igh’) *that the end letter ‘e’ of split digraphs a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e “make the preceding vowel SAY ITS NAME” – this is inconsistent with modern synthetic phonics teaching rooted in the ‘alphabetic code’. To work out ‘the code’, start from a whole spoken word said slowly. Orally segment the word into its sounds and map those onto the graphemes in the written word. Page 4 of 6
5. /n/ /n/ /ng/ /ŋ/ /ng + k/ /ŋ/ + /k/ /p/ /p/ /k + w/ /k/ + /w/ /r/ /ɹ/ /s/ n -nn kn gn -ne net bonnet knot gnome engine -ng -n gong jungle -nk -nc ink uncle p -pp pan puppet qu -kw queen awkward r -rr wr rh rat arrow write rhinoceros s -ss -ce ce ci cy snake glass palace cents city bicycle -se sc -st- ps house scissors castle pseudonym t -tt -ed pt -bt tent letter skipped pterodactyl debt v -ve violin dove w wh -u web wheel penguin /s/ /t/ /t/ /v/ /v/ /w/ /w/ THE SUB-SKILLS OF THE THREE CORE SKILLS DECODING SUB-SKILLS: Without print – hear the individual sounds of a word and ‘discern’ the word (= oral blending): hear /z/ /i/ /p/, say “zip”; hear /k/ /oa/ /t/, say “coat” With print – see the graphemes and say the sounds to automaticity; see s, say /s/; see oa, say /oa/; see ph, say /f/ Use capital letter resources – not just lower case letters. Capital letters ARE THE SAME CODE AS lower case letters. Copyright Debbie Hepplewhite 2013 ENCODING SUB-SKILLS: Without print – hear the whole spoken word said slowly, train the learner to split the word into its constituent sounds from beginning to end (= oral segmenting): “zip” “/z/ /i/ /p/”; “coat” “/k/ /oa/ /t/” (with no print, you can use any sounds) -use the left hand, palm facing to tally the separate sounds onto the thumb and fingers from left to right With print – select grapheme tiles or magnetic letters, or write the letters, to spell the sounds identified [Use manipulatives , such as grapheme tiles, at the basic code stage for young learners as they get to grips with handwriting skills – then focus on handwriting to spell.] Page 5 of 6
6. /k + s/ /k/ + /s/ /g + z/ /g/ + /z/ /y/ /j/ /z/ /z/ /ch/ /tʃ/ /sh/ /ʃ/ unvoiced /th/ /θ/ /zh/ /ʒ/ -x -ks -cks -kes -cs fox plurals: books ducks cakes I love picnics. -x -gs -ggs -gues exam plurals: pegs eggs catalogues z -zz -s -se -ze x zebra jazz fries cheese breeze xylophone ch -tch -ture chairs patch /ch + u/ /tʃ/ + /ə/ sh ch -ti -ci -ssi sheep chef station magician admission y yawn th /th/ /ð/ voiced thistle picture th there -si -s -z g -ge television treasure azure (blue) courgette collage HANDWRITING SUB-SKILLS: Demonstrate the correct tripod hold – for young learners say, “Froggy legs with the log under” – pinch the pencil with thumb and forefinger just above where the cone end slopes, make a fist and place the middle finger beneath the pencil to form the tripod hold, or grip, (small hands struggle to ‘grip’ fat pencils or marker pens, use regular-sized pencils) Air write, finger-trace and copy- write graphemes whilst saying the sound – this is ‘multi-sensory’ linking sounds to shapes and handwriting the shapes (e.g. say /ch/ for ‘ch’ – not /k/ /h/) Mini whiteboards are suitable for quick-fire ‘show me’ activities; for handwriting practice – use paper and pencil routines sitting with good posture at desks, paper slanted, spare hand holding paper steady BE VIGILANT for learners hooking their wrists around and writing ‘above’ the words on the page – ensure they write ‘below’ the words. Please note that this version of an Alphabetic Code Chart is not definitive. Further code may be discovered in both common and unusual words. The word ‘giraffe’, for example, is common but the grapheme ‘-ffe’ is rare AS CODE FOR the sound /f/. Add discovered code to the chart or to the MAIN PHONICS DISPLAY WALL. On this chart, a grey dash indicates that the particular letter/s-sound correspondence is unlikely to begin a word. Hollow letters alert the reader to various possible pronunciations; for example, wa could be the code for /w+a/ as in ‘wag’, but is more likely to be /w+o/ as in ‘watch’. This is a generic alphabetic code chart highlighting the vowel sounds followed by the consonant sounds. Alphabetic Code Charts can be designed to be programme-specific according to the order that the letter/s-sound correspondences are introduced and with specific mnemonic systems (aids to memory for the sounds and/or spellings). Vowel sounds can be spelled with both vowel letters and consonant letters such as ‘igh’, ‘ow’, ‘or’, ‘ough’. Teachers need to make clear when they are referring to vowel or consonant sounds, or vowel or consonant letters. For further information, see synthetic phonics guidance documents at www.phonicsinternational.com Copyright Debbie Hepplewhite 2013 Page 6 of 6

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