Transforming Service Reliability Through an SLOs-Driven Culture & Platform


At Salesforce, Trust is our number-one value, and it has its own special meaning to each part of the company. In our Technology, Marketing, & Products (TMP) organization, a big part of Trust is providing highly reliable Salesforce experiences to our customers, which can be challenging because of the scale of the Salesforce infrastructure, its range of tech stacks, and the many products that those tech stacks support. Because of that challenge — and because TMP must gauge reliability at both that high level (across products) and from a zoomed-in view (for individual services supporting those products) — agreeing on what “highly reliable” means and how to measure it is absolutely critical. So just as Salesforce employees refer to standardized branding guidelines to speak the same product language, we also need standardized service ownership guidelines to ensure that we’re speaking the same reliability language. This blog post is about the Salesforce journey to framing reliability in terms of service-level indicators (SLIs) and objectives (SLOs), which are often used in the enterprise software business to represent the true customer experience in a clear, quantitative, and actionable way.



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