2024-12-12 16:30:00 ~ 2024-12-13 16:30:00
Apache Pinot™ is a real-time OLAP database capable of ingesting data from real-time streams and offline data sources. Uber has used Pinot for over 6 years, and in that time we’ve seen a rapid increase…
Nautilus is our search engine for finding documents and other files in Dropbox. Here's how it created the foundation for us to build better search functionality to understand more nuanced queries.
Today, when you open Apple Maps and choose a destination, you are able to see a list of available Lyft offers, seamlessly routing you to the Lyft app to book your next ride. To create this fluid and user-friendly experience across the iOS ecosystem, however, engineers must tackle a range of technical challenges, from managing dependencies in a highly modular application to optimizing performance while maintaining a high quality user experience.
Disclaimer: For the purpose of this deep dive, we assume that you have a general understanding of what a build system is, including concepts like modules, static/dynamic frameworks, dependency graphs and build settings customization via flags.
Discover how Grab tackled the challenges of scaling its flagship membership program, GrabUnlimited. In this deep dive, we explore the migration from a legacy system to Temporal, reducing production…
最近的工作中接触到CK,一开始还不知道CK是什么,通过查询才知道CK是ClickHouse,ClickHouse 是俄罗斯的Yandex于2016年开源的列式存储数据库。