
2024-09-10 16:30:00 ~ 2024-09-11 16:30:00


当贝技术:状态机:从传统的 if-else 到高效的状态管理


状态机(State Machine)是一种数学模型,用于描述系统状态以及在这些状态之间的流转和动作等行为。

状态机:从传统的 if-else 到高效的状态管理



Luhn算法,(鲁恩/卢恩算法 )也被称作“模10算法”(Mod 10)。是由IBM科学家Hans Peter Luhn发明的一种简单的校验和计算算法。主要用来计算信用卡、银行卡、社保卡号、会员卡号、设备IMEI、部分手机ICCID等号码的合法性。

grab技术:Unveiling the process: The creation of our powerful campaign builder


In our system, we use the term “treatment” to refer to the core unit of a full IFTTT data structure. A treatment is an amalgamation of three key elements - an event, conditions (which are optional), and actions. For example, consider a promotional campaign that offers “100 GrabPoints for completing a ride paid with GrabPay Credit”. This campaign can be transformed into a treatment in which the event is “ride completion”, the condition is “payment made using GrabPay Credit”, and the action is “awarding 100 GrabPoints”.

Data generated across various Kafka streams by multiple services within Grab forms the crux of events and conditions for a treatment. Trident processes these Kafka streams, treating each data object as an event for the treatments. It evaluates the set conditions against the data received from these events. If all conditions are met, Trident then executes the actions.

Unveiling the process: The creation of our powerful campaign builder

airbnb技术:Riverbed Data Hydration — Part 1


A deep dive into the streaming aspect of the Lambda architecture framework of Riverbed.

Riverbed Data Hydration — Part 1

uber技术:DataMesh: How Uber laid the foundations for the data lake cloud migration


Learn how Uber is streamlining the Cloud migration of its massive Data Lake by incorporating key Data Mesh principles.

DataMesh: How Uber laid the foundations for the data lake cloud migration

netflix技术:Noisy Neighbor Detection with eBPF


The Compute and Performance Engineering teams at Netflix regularly investigate performance issues in our multi-tenant environment. The first step is determining whether the problem originates from the application or the underlying infrastructure. One issue that often complicates this process is the "noisy neighbor" problem. On Titus, our multi-tenant compute platform, a "noisy neighbor" refers to a container or system service that heavily utilizes the server's resources, causing performance degradation in adjacent containers. We usually focus on CPU utilization because it is our workloads’ most frequent source of noisy neighbor issues.

Detecting the effects of noisy neighbors is complex. Traditional performance analysis tools such as perf can introduce significant overhead, risking further performance degradation. Additionally, these tools are typically deployed after the fact, which is too late for effective investigation. Another challenge is that debugging noisy neighbor issues requires significant low-level expertise and specialized tooling. In this blog post, we'll reveal how we leveraged eBPF to achieve continuous, low-overhead instrumentation of the Linux scheduler, enabling effective self-serve monitoring of noisy neighbor issues. You’ll learn how Linux kernel instrumentation can improve your infrastructure observability with deeper insights and enhanced monitoring.

netflix技术:Pushy to the Limit: Evolving Netflix’s WebSocket proxy for the future


Pushy is Netflix’s WebSocket server that maintains persistent WebSocket connections with devices running the Netflix application. This allows data to be sent to the device from backend services on demand, without the need for continually polling requests from the device. Over the last few years, Pushy has seen tremendous growth, evolving from its role as a best-effort message delivery service to be an integral part of the Netflix ecosystem. This post describes how we’ve grown and scaled Pushy to meet its new and future needs, as it handles hundreds of millions of concurrent WebSocket connections, delivers hundreds of thousands of messages per second, and maintains a steady 99.999% message delivery reliability rate.

Pushy to the Limit: Evolving Netflix’s WebSocket proxy for the future













Using ChatGPT to reverse engineer minified JavaScript


I was curious about how a component was implemented in a minified JavaScript file and used ChatGPT to reverse engineer the component.

Flux.1 with ComfyUI:新的图像生成冲击波?




Flux.1 with ComfyUI:新的图像生成冲击波?

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