2024-09-01 16:30:00 ~ 2024-09-02 16:30:00
回顾 JavaScript 的发展历程,从最初的简单浏览器脚本语言,到如今构建互联网应用程序的现代编程语言,模块化技术在这一演变中发挥了关键作用。本篇文章将从 JavaScript 的模块化探索及模块化规范的持续演进两部分,回顾 JavaScript 模块化的演进历程。
There are several tried-and-true methods of reducing the size of Docker container images. But your container image may still bloat with time if you frequently introduce updates.
So how to keep your containers as neat as a pin at all times? The answer is: multi-stage builds. Plus, if you work with Spring Boot, the framework offers a mighty feature, layered jars, which complements multi-stage builds and will help you organize the layers in your final image nicely.